Jan 3 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Jan 3 | 4:15 PM |
Ataul M. | has entered the room |
Ataul M. |
Hi Mark
Mark M. |
howdy, Ataul!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Ataul M. |
I was hoping for a bit of clarification on overriding getView() please :)
Ataul M. |
specifically, when it's appropriate to call super.getView(...)
Ataul M. |
View paste
Mark M. |
you would call super.getView() if you are
extending an existing adapter class (like ArrayAdapter) and you want to
*add* to what the superclass already does, rather than replace it
Mark M. |
in your paste, what is "it's" that you want to check for null?
Ataul M. |
Ataul M. |
I'm extending SimpleCursorAdapter
Mark M. |
if you are extending SimpleCursorAdapter, you don't override getView() at all
Ataul M. |
so I just called super.getView without checking for null
Mark M. |
you override newView() and/or bindView()
Ataul M. |
In my understanding, getview calls newView and/or bindView?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
it calls newView() if there is no row ready for recycling
Mark M. |
SimpleCursorAdapter, by default, will inflate your selected layout file in newView()
Mark M. |
you would override that if you have more complex logic (e.g., different row layouts based upon something in the data)
Mark M. |
bindView() is where you pour data into the row, whether that row is newly created or recycled
Jan 3 | 4:20 PM |
Mark M. |
SimpleCursorAdapter can do a lot of that for you,
without you overriding bindView(), but you are welcome to override it if
you wish
Mark M. |
in neither case do you need to worry about convertView -- you don't even see convertView
Ataul M. |
Doesn't getView supply that in one go then? Without having to call them separately?
Ataul M. |
them= new/bind
Mark M. |
yes, at the cost of writing a lot more code
Ataul M. |
Mark M. |
and for no gain in speed
Ataul M. |
okay got you :)
Ataul M. |
another question, related if it's okay
Mark M. |
go right ahead -- nobody else is waiting for a turn :-)
Ataul M. |
I want to fill a view with data from a contentprovider, so I launch an ASyncTask in my extension of SimpleCursorAdapter
Ataul M. |
I cache the results (and check the cache before launching the ASyncTask)
Mark M. |
oh, that really doesn't sound good
Ataul M. |
Mark M. |
an adapter should not be spawning threads IMHO
Mark M. |
that's the responsibility of the fragment (or activity if there are no fragments)
Ataul M. |
Could I describe my usecase for some advice?
Mark M. |
Ataul M. |
I'm using SimpleContentProvider to front a SQLite
db, with 1 main table, which I use to populate the adapter using
Jan 3 | 4:25 PM |
Ataul M. |
I also need to populate one of the views in a list row, from another table
Mark M. |
Ataul M. |
the mit one: https://github.com/mitmel/SimpleContentProvider
Mark M. |
ah, OK, that one
Ataul M. |
sorry, 3rd party lib
Mark M. |
I know of it but have not used it
Ataul M. |
my "another table" can have many records which are related to a single record in my main table
Ataul M. |
I was going to use the ASyncTask to get all the related records, and collate the information into a single view
Mark M. |
that sounds fine, so long as it is not the adapter starting the task
Ataul M. | |
Mark M. |
it's not a question of using AsyncTask instead of a Loader (though you could use another Loader if you wanted)
Mark M. |
it's a question of responsibilities
Mark M. |
an adapter is solely responsible for rendering rows in a list (or whatever you are using the adapter for)
Mark M. |
it's not responsible for data aggregation
Mark M. |
any more than a button is responsible for a Web service call, or an EditText is responsible for saving a file
Ataul M. |
suppose I did the aggregation in my fragment then,
how might I update the adapter so it renders the currently empty view
(in each row) with the newly aggregated information when it's ready?
Mark M. |
when onLoadFinished() is called on your fragment, have the fragment start the AsyncTask
Jan 3 | 4:30 PM |
Mark M. |
set the adapter on the list(?) in onPostExecute() of the AsyncTask
Mark M. |
if you're saying that you want to display the list
with just the initial Cursor, then augment it with additional data from
the AsyncTask, that's doable but complex
Ataul M. |
yes that's exactly what I'm saying
Ataul M. |
I have a way, but it'll only update when the views get recycled
Mark M. |
you would have to walk the existing child views of
the AdapterView and update them, plus give the adapter the additional
Cursors(?) or whatever the data is for when the user scrolls
Ataul M. |
where would I walk through the existing child
views? Presumably I'd only have to do it for the ones that are on
screen? (In my current implementation, or plan, getView() checks to see
if the data is available, and sets nothing if it's not available)
Mark M. |
"where would I walk through the existing child views?" -- something triggered by onPostExecute() of the AsyncTask
Mark M. |
in terms of who does it... you could argue either the adapter or the fragment
Ataul M. |
as in, how could I determine which views are currently displayed?
Ataul M. |
Mark M. |
this is a ListView?
Ataul M. |
Mark M. |
getFirstVisiblePosition() tells you the position index of the first child (getChildAt(0)) of the ListView
Jan 3 | 4:35 PM |
Mark M. |
so, you call getChildCount() on the ListView, and
iterate that many times, using getFirstVisiblePosition() as your
position offset, to walk the existing rows
Ataul M. |
is there a corresponding getLastVisiblePosition()
Ataul M. |
or just do a reasonable amount
Mark M. |
there is a getLastVisiblePosition() which you can use
Ataul M. |
Ataul M. |
is there a function on campfirenow to email the transcript? I made the mistake of leaving last time without copying it
Mark M. |
I post the transcripts shortly after each chat at http://commonsware.com/office-hours
Mark M. |
you'll find a couple of years' worth there :-)
Ataul M. |
ah brilliant :D
Mark M. |
but, no, there's no email-me-a-transcript in Campfire AFAIK
Ataul M. |
ok, I think that's enough information for me to get on with for a week ish :)
Ataul M. |
Thanks a lot
Mark M. |
Ataul M. |
what did you do prior to Android?
Ataul M. |
job-wise if you don't mind me asking
Mark M. |
that's a bit off-topic for this chat
Ataul M. |
fair enough
Ataul M. |
thanks again, I'll be back soon no doubt
Mark M. |
next chat is tomorrow, 7:30pm Eastern
Ataul M. |
I've got them all in my gCal
Ataul M. |
Mark M. |
ah, OK
Ataul M. | has left the room |
Jan 3 | 4:55 PM |
Yurii L. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
howdy, Yurii!
Yurii L. | |
Mark M. |
there's also a chat tomorrow, 7:30pm Eastern, which may fit your schedule better
Mark M. |
but, if you have a quick question, go ahead
Yurii L. |
is it appropriate to call startActivity in worker thread
Yurii L. |
and show dialog while it is starting
Yurii L. |
then in handler just dismiss dialog and new activity get's loaded nice and easy
Mark M. |
probably not, if I am interpreting you correctly
Mark M. |
let's say that you have Activity A and Activity B
Mark M. |
Activity A is in the foreground
Jan 3 | 5:00 PM |
Mark M. |
Activity A, from a background thread, calls startActivity() to start Activity B
Mark M. |
if you are saying that Activity *A* tries to
display a dialog, that will be pointless in most cases, as B will appear
on the screen before the dialog does
Mark M. |
(possible exception being if Activity B is in some other app)
Mark M. |
now, Activity *B* could elect to display its own
dialog on startup while it does something -- you see this a lot with
Yurii L. |
yeah but then we need to handle orientation
changes with asynch task and staff and I haven't figure out even if your
book what is the best practice for that
Mark M. |
you have to handle that regardless of who starts the dialog
Mark M. |
the fact that it is Activity B instead of Activity A does not change that requirement
Mark M. |
this is one of the reasons I try to avoid dialogs
Yurii L. |
so how do you make show progress while loading anything?
Mark M. |
that depends on the rest of the UI
Mark M. |
for example, if it's a ListView, use a ProgressBar as the "empty" view in the ListFragment or ListActivity
Yurii L. |
awesome, thanks a lot. That is it!
Mark M. |
yeah, an in-fragment or in-activity progress indicator tends to be easier than a ProgressDialog
Mark M. |
and, that's a wrap for today's chat
Jan 3 | 5:05 PM |
Mark M. |
next chat is in ~26.5 hours :-)
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
Yurii L. | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |