Oct 16 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Gabriele | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
howdy, Gabriele!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Gabriele |
Hi. :)
Gabriele | |
Gabriele |
I can't understand one thing with my listview
Oct 16 | 4:00 PM |
Gabriele |
I've read that default background should be black, but if I don't put android:background="#000"
Gabriele |
the background is not black and text becomes unreadable on emulator and on my motorola xoom, too
Mark M. |
the default background of a ListView is transparent
Mark M. |
it will show whatever is behind it
Gabriele |
Ah, so it's not black!
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
with a dark theme, it will appear black, because that's the window's black background
Mark M. |
with a light theme, it will appear white
Mark M. |
and if you have the ListView above something else on the Z axis, it will be whatever the "something else" is
Gabriele |
So I can make it appear as default, byt applying a theme to my activity?
Mark M. |
well, everything has a theme
Mark M. |
you get Theme or Theme.Holo if you specify nothing else
Mark M. |
(latter for API Level 11+, if your targetSdkVersion is set to 11 or higher)
Mark M. |
if you specify a theme, whatever the color scheme
of the theme is will control the window, and hence what is behind a
typical ListView
Gabriele |
The thing that I don't understand is why by
default Theme or the default one I'm using doesn't make the text
readable, is this a bug of android, or an error of my code? Or I can't
assume that the default theme makes my text readable?
Mark M. |
if you do not mess with *any* colors, the text will be readable
Gabriele |
Because, I thought "Not saying it, I'm using the default theme"
Mark M. |
most of my samples do not specify a theme, or one that inherits just about everything from a stock theme
Gabriele |
I'm not doing anything, but it's not readable!
Mark M. |
and everything is readable
Oct 16 | 4:05 PM |
Mark M. |
but once you start fiddling with colors of, say, a
TextView, then you can get yourself in trouble and need to make sure
that everything synchronizes
Mark M. |
if you take one of my ListView samples and run it, you will see that it renders correctly
Mark M. |
you need to then determine what you are doing
differently, in your row layouts or whatever, that is causing the
difference in behavior
Gabriele |
This is what I see by default: http://tinypic.com/r/33er0vo/6
Mark M. |
what are you using for your row layout?
Gabriele |
In my manifest I have: android:theme="@style/Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar">
Gabriele |
I'm using the default listview
Mark M. |
your problem is in your row layout
Mark M. |
what are you using for your row layout?
Gabriele |
But I'm not doing it as a custom layout
Oct 16 | 4:10 PM |
Mark M. |
I cannot help you if you will not tell me what you are using for your row layout
Gabriele |
What do you mean?
Mark M. |
just paste in your adapter constructor or something
Mark M. |
somewhere in your app, you are calling setAdapter() or setListAdapter() to populate the ListView
Mark M. |
the parameter to this method is an Adapter
Gabriele |
View paste
Gabriele |
I'm using the default one
Mark M. |
there we go
Mark M. |
it's possible that there's a bug in ActionBarSherlock or something that is fouling matters up
Mark M. |
I don't think that I have used that specific combination
Gabriele |
Ah, so maybe it's an issue of actionbarsherlock
Gabriele |
No, if I remember good you've used the android default one in this example
Mark M. |
yes, though probably with a dark theme
Gabriele |
Because there was an example with the SINGLE and with MULTIPLE_MODAL (which isn't supported by sherlock)
Mark M. |
yes, I am not specifying a theme in https://github.com/commonsguy/cw-omnibus/b…
Mark M. |
oh, you are doing the action mode stuff
Gabriele |
yes, exactly
Mark M. |
my manual action mode sample is https://github.com/commonsguy/cw-omnibus/b…
Mark M. |
it uses Theme.Sherlock
Mark M. |
haven't tried it with Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar
Mark M. |
you might grab my sample, make that one change in the manifest, and run it
Mark M. |
if mine works, then something else is afoot with your project
Mark M. |
if mine stops working, that would suggest a bug in ABS
Oct 16 | 4:15 PM |
Gabriele |
Ok, I will try it then!
Gabriele |
I have another question, which isn't related to
android too much, do you have a "good" resource, book or something, (I
know you hate defining it good!) related to memory leaks?
Mark M. |
not really
Mark M. |
I mean, MAT as a tool for tracking down leaks
Mark M. |
but if you mean written words about tracking down leaks, I cannot think of any particular resources off the top of my head
Gabriele |
Because one or two week ago, you've talked me
about the problem of using static data members and reading on google,
I've found something, anyway I'm scared of producing bad code
Gabriele |
MAT is a tool to find memory leaks problem?
Mark M. |
MAT will tell you what is in your heap
Mark M. |
if there are things in your heap that you do not expect, it will tell you what is keeping them from being garbage collected
Mark M. |
there's a chapter on MAT in _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_
Gabriele |
Ah, so I can do something like instantiate many times and check if there is something I would not expect
Gabriele |
Oh, nice then
Oct 16 | 4:20 PM |
Gabriele |
But, how have you learned to avoid leaks? I mean,
the tool is a good thing because sometimes it's hard to find them, but
is there some "guide to avoid leaks"?
Gabriele |
or guide lins
Gabriele |
Mark M. |
leaks are inevitably tied back to something with static scope
Mark M. |
pretty much by definition
Mark M. |
so, being careful with your own static-scope data members is important
Gabriele |
For example you said I shouldn't use (most of the
time) static data members, but where I can find other advices like this
you told me?
Mark M. |
similarly, being careful with other things that
live a long time (e.g., a thread) or for the process lifetime (e.g., an
Application) are important
Mark M. |
this stuff is probably covered in ordinary Java books and such, but as a chapter or section, not as an entire book
Mark M. |
and, if you search online, you can probably find more
Mark M. |
for me, I have been working in Java for over a
decade, so I do not refer to those resources very often, and what I
*did* use way back when is probably long gone (and certainly forgotten)
Gabriele |
I've searched it in some books like Deitel one and others, but there 3 lines (when you're lucky) talking about leaks :(
Gabriele |
It seems that all books learn you how to do a lot of things but nobody talks about what to not do!
Mark M. |
that is pretty much the case for any technology topic
Mark M. |
Gabriele |
Oct 16 | 4:25 PM |
Gabriele |
Just for curiosity, did you do something on iOs,
too? What do you think about it? I'm taking advantage of the time
because there is no other, but you're free to don't answer, obviously
Mark M. |
no, I have not done any development for iOS
Gabriele |
I see. Anyway your book is really good, one of the best programming book I've read
Mark M. |
Gabriele |
Now I'm going to do the test with your sherlock
example and searching some book related to java memory leaks TT thank
you very much!
Mark M. |
you are very welcome!
Gabriele |
Bye. :)
Gabriele | has left the room |
Oct 16 | 5:00 PM |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |