Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Daniel B. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
howdy, Daniel!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Daniel B. |
Hi :)
Daniel B. |
is it possible to have a Loader that is dependant on another loader having finished it's load?
Mark M. |
in theory, if you do not init the second loader until the first one is done, that should work
Mark M. |
I have not tried that, though
Apr 12 | 10:00 AM |
Daniel B. |
ok, because I have one loader which is grabbing
data to populate a spinner, but need another loader which is getting the
id (from another table - like a foreign key) and then goes to the right
position in the spinner, but what i find is that the spinner isn't
loaded yet, so when its comparing it just sticks on first entry
Apr 12 | 10:00 AM |
Ben K. | has entered the room |
Ben K. |
Mark M. |
howdy, Ben!
Mark M. |
Daniel: that sounds like you need to wait to update the Spinner until both loaders are done
Mark M. |
oh, no, wait
Mark M. |
never mind
Mark M. |
wasn't thinking straight
Mark M. |
again, if you wait to init the 2nd loader until the 1st is done, in theory that should work fine
Daniel B. |
so you think init the 2nd loader onLoadfinished of the first loader?
Mark M. |
it's certainly worth a try
Daniel B. |
I'll give it a try :) thanks!
Mark M. |
Ben: do you have a question?
Ben K. |
Yes I have a handler that is being used with a
background thread. It works well when the activity it is a field in has
focus. However, when I leave the activity and navigate back in, it
does not work.
Ben K. |
It still gets updates but notifyDataSetChanged doesn't work
Mark M. |
please define "it does not work"
Ben K. |
I have an adapter I'm updating from within the handler
Mark M. |
what do you mean by "leave the activity and navigate back in"?
Ben K. |
The activity loses focus to another activity, then regains focus
Mark M. |
if the Handler is still processing messages, then
your problem would not appear to be with the Handler, but perhaps with
the Adapter
Apr 12 | 10:05 AM |
Mark M. |
are you sure this is the same Adapter as before? (i.e., you did not create a new one)
Ben K. |
Actually that might be the problem, I do create a new Adapter in onCreate
Mark M. |
if your Handler still has a reference to the old Adapter, that would explain matters
Ben K. |
I see. How can I maintain a reference to the old adapter
Mark M. |
by holding onto it
Mark M. |
(e.g., the Handler holds the Adapter in its own data member, which is not being updated)
Ben K. |
Well another thing is that in onCreate I create a
new handler, so that might be a problem. However, the handler still
gets updates.
Mark M. |
Daniel: do you have another question?
Daniel B. |
Daniel B. |
How do I populate the checkbox (selected, not selected) in a ListView
Apr 12 | 10:10 AM |
Mark M. |
Daniel: setItemChecked()
Mark M. |
Ben: onCreate() actually shouldn't be called in this case
Daniel B. |
I can set its label from the to parameter in the adapter, but not its checked
Mark M. |
your old activity should just have been paused and stopped, and then started and resumed, when it returned to the foreground
Ben K. |
I see
Mark M. |
Daniel: call setItemChecked() on the ListView
Ben K. |
Should I use onRestoreInstanceState to hold onto the Adapter?
Mark M. |
Ben: you can't, nor should you need to -- your activity did not go anywhere
Mark M. |
let's call this activity A
Mark M. |
A starts Activity B
Mark M. |
at that time, A is paused and stopped
Mark M. |
if the user presses BACK on B to return to A, A is started and resumed
Mark M. |
it is still the same instance of A, so you should have your same Handler, Adapter, etc. -- onCreate() should not be called
Ben K. |
Apr 12 | 10:15 AM |
Mark M. |
if the Handler is still talking to the same
Adapter, and the Adapter is still in your AdapterView, then
notifyDataSetChanged() should still work
Mark M. |
if notifyDataSetChanged() is not working, then something in this chain is broken
Mark M. |
and I have no way to tell you what, specifically
Ben K. |
Ok I'll take a look
Ben K. |
Mark M. |
if anyone has another question, chime in
Ben K. |
That's all I have, thank you.
Ben K. | has left the room |
Daniel B. |
Don't think this is a very good question but, If I
set on a TextView, maxLength is there a way to ellipsize when it gets
to that length? Right now just cuts it off
Mark M. |
use android:ellipsize
Daniel B. |
yep, I have been, but its not technically reached the end of the ListView so it does not ellipsize
Apr 12 | 10:20 AM |
Mark M. |
Apr 12 | 10:20 AM |
Mark M. |
that's disappointing
Mark M. |
you'd have to manage that yourself then, detecting the length of the string and introducing an ellipsis as needed
Daniel B. |
Ah ok, as I thought. Thought i'd ask incase I missed something obvious
Apr 12 | 10:25 AM |
Daniel B. |
Thanks for your help
Daniel B. | has left the room |
Apr 12 | 10:50 AM |
Al K. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
howdy, Al!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Al K. |
I have some questions about PendingIntent.
Mark M. |
OK, go ahead
Apr 12 | 10:55 AM |
Al K. |
I was sending a broadcast and including a
PendingIntent for the purpose of getting a callback. Also I included
some specific data as an extra in the pendingIntent expecting to receive
this data in the callback.
Al K. |
This process gets repeated with a different set of call-specific data as an extra.
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
let me guess: you keep getting the original extras, right?
Al K. |
The first call and response worked OK. the 2nd call gets the extras from the first call. So yes what you said.
Mark M. |
you need to include a flag when you create your PendingIntent, such as FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT
Mark M. |
PendingIntents are cached
Mark M. |
if you try to create a PendingIntent for the same Intent (ignoring extras), you get the cached PendingIntent back
Mark M. |
and that cached PendingIntent has the original Intent inside of it
Mark M. |
FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT replaces the Intent with your new one
Mark M. |
or, FLAG_ONE_SHOT stops the caching (if I understand correctly -- I haven't used this one personally)
Mark M. |
these flags are documented on PendingIntent and
would be included in your call to getBroadcast(), getService(), or
getActivity() where you are requesting a PendingIntent from the OS
Apr 12 | 11:00 AM |
Al K. |
Yes, it looks like FLAG_ONE_SHOT may be what I want.
Mark M. |
OK, that's a wrap for today's chat
Al K. |
Or I have a work-around by passing additional
extras with the original broadcast, and expecting them to be explicitly
returned when the pendingIntent is used.
Al K. |
OK, thanks.
Mark M. |
that could work too, though I think you are better served with one of the FLAG_ values
Mark M. |
next chat is Tuesday at 4pm Eastern
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
Al K. | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |