Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Mar 23 | 10:05 AM | | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
howdy, ummm...
| |
Mark M. |
can I call you Clever?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Mar 23 | 10:10 AM | |
sure...but it's just a name, I'm not really that clever
| |
if i was i would've actually come up with something clever
| |
I have a few questions I'd like to go over today
Mark M. |
fire away
| |
First and foremost, I'd like to know how to create a gradient background
Mark M. |
background for what?
| |
I have to make a splash activity with a background gradient from white to a light grey
| |
it's for a window background
Mark M. |
I'd use a ShapeDrawable
| |
Can you define it in your layout.xml file
| |
| |
Is that in one of the books
| |
Mark M. |
ShapeDrawable is, yes
Mark M. |
it's lightly covered in the Advanced Android book
| |
Mark M. |
in the discussion of custom ListView selectors
| |
What exactly is a View focus?
Mark M. |
well, focus in Android is not significantly different than focus in any other OS
Mark M. |
it is the individual widget to which key events will be delivered
Mark M. |
focused widgets usually have a different background (e.g., orange border)
| |
can a container with no clickable elements maintain a focus?
| |
I've run into problems where one element 'steals
Mar 23 | 10:15 AM | |
the focus for the window
Mar 23 | 10:15 AM |
Mark M. |
you can apply android:focusable and android:focusableInTouchMode on any View
Mark M. |
even ones that are not naturally focusable
| |
and it seems the solution is either to define the
widget as not focusable, or to block descendents from taking the focsu
from their paretn
Mark M. |
just make sure you don't screw up the use of D-pads, trackballs, arrow keys, and the like
| |
how do each of those parameters work?
Mark M. |
they take a boolean
Mark M. |
you might consider just using the
<requestFocus> element in your layout to manually assign the focus
to some more appropriate widget
| |
I mean how do they work, what do they mean?
| |
okay cool, I've seen that before
Mark M. |
um, android:focusable makes a widget focusable (true) or not focusable (false)
| |
I would just add it inside the tags for any widget?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
e.g., <Button ...><requestFocus></Button>
| |
so if a widget is not-focusable it can't be clicked, but you can change that programmatically right?
Mark M. |
focusable and clickable are independent properties
| |
ah okay
Mark M. |
usually clickable widgets are focusable
Mark M. |
but that doesn't have to be the case
Mark M. |
though it should be for decent navigation sans touchscreen
| |
if a parent widget has the 'focus', and a user clicks on one its children, will the child register the click event?
Mark M. |
beats me
Mar 23 | 10:20 AM | |
Also, I have a post on stack overflow for a
google-tv app that I'm having a problem you think you could
take a look at it?
Mark M. |
got a link?
| | |
Mark M. |
try adding android:nextFocusLeft to your WebView, identifying the thingy you want to get the focus
Mark M. |
WebView is a little odd with these sorts of events, so that may not help, but it is worth trying
| |
it doesn't work
| |
it's not a big deal
Mark M. |
you could try WebViewClient and shouldOverrideKeyEvent() and manually force the focus
| |
how do you manually force the focus?
Mark M. |
call requestFocus() on the widget that you would like to have the focus, IIRC
Mark M. |
yes, that's right
| |
ah... cool
| |
so I can use requestFocus() on any widget and it will take the focus, right?
Mar 23 | 10:25 AM |
Mark M. |
well, with the verb being "request", I don't think it's a rock-solid guarantee
Mark M. |
but, yes, that's the theory
| |
Have you had problems with the graphical layout editor constantly crashing eclipse?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
I have never had the layout editor crash Eclipse
| |
I found some other ppl who had this problem on stack overflow
Mark M. |
if you can consistently reproduce it, file a bug on
| |
I will do that
Frank | has entered the room | |
where in eclipse would you set up the java sdk that you build your project on?
Frank |
| |
Hi Frank
Mark M. |
Clever: either Project > Properties or the overall Preferences, depending on whether you want it to affect one project or all
Mark M. |
howdy, Frank!
Mark M. |
Frank: do you have a question?
Mar 23 | 10:30 AM |
Frank |
yes, but It will take a couple of minutes to prepare...
Frank |
I'll let you know
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
Clever: do you have another question?
Frank |
Actually I'm ready
Mark M. |
Frank: minutes must be shorter where you are :-)
Mark M. |
anyway, go ahead
Frank |
I want to control the layout when a multi-line textedit is entered. In particular to add buttons
Frank |
E.g. a "done" button.
Frank |
I'm afraid some users won't know that they should use the back button.
Mark M. |
why isn't the "done" button there all the time?
Frank |
Which "done" button? The one on the soft keyboard?
Mark M. |
I have no idea
Mark M. |
you said you wanted to "add buttons... E.g., a "done" button"
Mark M. |
I am merely using your words
Frank |
Scenario: a users selects an multiline textedit
Mar 23 | 10:35 AM |
Frank |
android open softkeyboard
Frank |
users types
Frank |
then he has to hit back to return to the normal layout
Frank |
I would like to give the user a visible solution, instead of relying on him knowing that he has to use the back button.
Mark M. |
so, you are *not* trying to "control the layout" (as you wrote), but rather put a Done button in the input method editor
Mark M. |
Frank |
The button was just a solution that I imagined to solving this UI "problem". Other elegant solutions are welcome ;-)
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
you can ask the input method editor to have a "Done" action button, traditionally in the lower right corner
Mark M. |
add android:imeOptions="actionDone" to your EditText
Frank |
Isn't that being used in this case as the enter key for multi-line text?
Mark M. |
ah, yes
Mark M. |
now I understand
Mark M. |
honestly, users will know to use BACK in that situation
Mark M. |
otherwise, they can't do much with their devices
Frank |
Just looked at Google+ App. :)
Mar 23 | 10:40 AM |
Mark M. |
if you want an action that does something with the
results of what they typed in, having a Button or something for that
makes sense
Mark M. |
and saying you aren't going to enable that button until you have valid input makes sense
| |
I do find it annoying myself that you have to click back to get out a text editor
Frank |
They put the send button in the Action bar so it is always visible.
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
the button or action bar item is to process what's in the EditText, not so much to dismiss the keyboard
Mark M. |
though usually it does that too
Mark M. |
if anyone has another question, chime in
Frank |
Well in my case it's a Save button, and there is
another field that the user can change. I guess I'd really like to
customize the layout the user sees when the softkeyboard is open...
Mark M. |
personally, I doubt that will be very user-friendly
Mark M. |
er, otherwise
Mark M. |
that being said, you are welcome to change the
visibility of a button or something, showing it when the user is in the
EditText and hiding it othewise
Mar 23 | 10:45 AM |
Frank |
Well Google+ and Plume a Twitter client do things like that, and I consider them well designed.
Mark M. |
to each their own
Mark M. |
regardless, it tends to be easier to hide and show
things that should be visible conditionally, as opposed to adding and
removing them
Frank |
So I'd just capture the onClick event and do whatever needs to be done layoutwise?
Mark M. |
probably not onClick()
Mark M. |
probably when it gets the focus
Frank |
onFocus, or
Frank |
Frank |
OK, thanks I'll give it a shot
Mark M. |
yeah, setOnFocusChangeListener(), defined on View
Frank |
any questions clever? Or should I go on?
Mark M. |
either of you can ask questions when you have them, particularly since we're running out of chat time
Mar 23 | 10:50 AM |
Frank |
I'm wondering what you consider are best practices for sharing code between different activities?
Mark M. |
what sort of code?
Frank |
Actually scratch that. What about DB access from several threads.
Mark M. |
if you are using the same SQLiteDatabase object, it will serialize the operations
Frank |
I've had some exceptions because of conflicts.
Frank |
OK so you suggest I only use one SQLiteDatabase. How would you implement that?
Mark M. |
from what I've seen, that typically arises when you have multiple SQLiteDatabase objects
Mark M. |
ContentProvider or your own singleton
David O. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
depending on how much of a fan of the ContentProvider facade you like
Mark M. |
er, you are
David O. |
Hi..I'm back
Mark M. |
howdy, David!
David O. |
I'm somethingclever..I had a network issue
Mark M. |
David: the chat is ending in ~7 minutes -- do you have a question?
Frank |
I haven't done ContentProvider yet, so I'll take Singleton as a first approach.
Mark M. |
ah, OK
David O. |
I actually have a question about ContentProviders...I don't know If understand the benefit of them vs just accessing a database
Mar 23 | 10:55 AM |
Frank |
Great transition!
Mark M. |
1. they provide an abstraction layer, to try to insulate clients from changes in the DB structure
David O. |
Mark M. |
2. they handle inter-process scenarios nicely, which otherwise would require a lot of work
David O. |
Mark M. |
3. they give you the ContentObserver change-monitoring framework
Mark M. |
however, on the downside:
Mark M. |
A. they are exported by default, meaning any app can read/write data with impunity
David O. |
Mark M. |
B. their interface dumbs things down (e.g., you can't do a JOIN, GROUP BY, etc. directly)
David O. |
Mark M. |
C. you can't ever close your database (which is supposed to be OK, but bugs me)
Mark M. |
D. your output is limited to Cursors and streams (for file access)
David O. |
Mark M. |
on the whole, I tend to use ContentProvider only where necessary
Mark M. |
however, "necessary" is increasing in scope
David O. |
what about using adapters as ContentObservers?
Mark M. |
what about it?
David O. |
can't you get the same functionality with an Adapter, calling notifyDataSetChanged() or some method like that?
Mar 23 | 11:00 AM |
David O. |
if you call that method (I might have the name wrong) I believe the adapter will re-query your dataabase
Mark M. |
ContentProviders, via ContentObservers, tell you when the data has changed
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
vs. a polling model
David O. |
ah okay
Mark M. |
you still have to requery the provider to get the results
Mark M. |
well, that's a wrap for today's chat
Mark M. |
next one is Tuesday, 4pm Eastern
Frank |
Thanks Mark!
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
David O. |
| | has left the room |
Frank | has left the room |
David O. | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |