Office Hours — Today, November 3

Tuesday, November 1

Nov 3
3:55 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
4:00 PM
has entered the room
Hi Mark
Mark M.
howdy, Filbert!
David R.
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, David!
Filbert: you got here first -- do you have a question?
I do...
I basically have multiple, similar apps that all have their own content
David R.
4:05 PM
but they all pull from the same system, and I want to implement login such that persists across the apps
Mark M.
why are they multiple apps?
each one is customized to a particular content
Mark M.
do you install separate Web browsers per Web site?
nope, but the website has its own landings and domains for each content source
but really, it's not about whether that is a good design or bad
Mark M.
regardless, I think that AccountAuthenticator and SyncProviders are perhaps the solution for centralized credentials, but I haven't played with them yet
okay I'll look into those
Mark M.
David: do you have a question?
David R.
I do
I'm researching a problem I have for work. I've been working on this issue for a few weeks. I want to be able to monitor all the events of an application. I've discovered that is next to impossible with android api, but I was wondering if it was possible though maybe having them person developing the application add my library into the build?
4:10 PM
Mark M.
what do you mean by "all the events of an application" ?
David R.
Touch events
basically user input
Mark M.
not only would they need to add your library, they would need to add logic to all their activities (and perhaps all their widgets)
basically, everywhere there is potential for user input, they would have to call your code
David R.
Yeah, I am trying to make it as user friendly as possible. So as little overhead as I can.
Mark M.
this is certainly doable, but not a lot of fun, and prone to forgetting stuff
David R.
Any other ideas to have it work besides making them add logic to all of their own activities?
I've got this concept working on the iphone, but I have been hiting a brick wall on the android.
Mark M.
not really
David R.
Is it possible to write a version of the SDK, and have them include it in project.. The .jar file with my own modifications to the source or would they have to root it.
Mark M.
that's called "modding the firmware"
and it would replace the OS on the device
also doable
but I don't know much about the mechanics
4:15 PM
Mark M.
and it's not exactly something an ordinary app developer would do
David R.
Yeah, would be a bit of a pain for someone to do, just to test their application.
Mark M.
this is for testing purposes?
David R.
Mark M.
in that case, read the chapter in the Advanced Android book entitled "Tapjacking"
David R.
Got it working perfectly on the iphone.
Maybe I missed that in the advanced book.
Mark M.
for creating a test recorder, tapjacking is a reasonable approach, assuming the app isn't set up to defend against it
David R.
Does that go though the usb?
Mark M.
page 441 in the current edition
David R.
Mark M.
it's all on the device
David R.
I will take a look at it.,
Mark M.
in fact, you wouldn't even need to add anything to the app
David R.
Sweet thank you.. I did love your books.
Read the first one twice.
Mark M.
as a production technique, it screams "security issue", but for internal testing, it's OK
glad you like them!
Filbert: do you have another question?
OK, if anyone has a question, chime in
4:20 PM
David R.
Mark, is TapJacking considered a security flaw that could be fixed in updates?
Mark M.
I consider it a security flaw
Google does not
I am not aware that they plan to change anything
that being said, anything is possible
which is another reason not to use it in production
David R.
Okay, thank you for the information.
Why am I able to write an application on 1.8 using the android_1.8.jar (whatever its called) and compile it and run it on device using 2.3.
4:25 PM
Mark M.
there is no 1.8
David R.
Thats why I figured I could mod the firmware and just have them include it.
Mark M.
android.jar is not the firmware
android.jar is just a bunch of stubs
enough to allow you to compile
and no real logic
the real implementation lives on the device
David R.
Okay that makes sense.
Mark M.
as to why you can specify one Android release as the build target and run on others, it's because Android is (generally) forwards and backwards compatible
David R.
Makes sense
4:30 PM
Mark M.
again, if anyone has any questions, just chime in
4:40 PM
i know RTSP is natively supported on android, as is supposedly HLS
any idea where i can find more specifics about those implementations?
Mark M.
never heard of HLS
there isn't much documented about "implementations" per se
[Apple] Http live streaming
Mark M.
ah, ok
Mark M.
never saw the acronym before
yes, that's in there somewhere
that's the sum total of the formal documentation, outside of JavaDocs
actually, there's… too, but it doesn't get into formats much
i've seen that stuff... it's pretty unspecific
Mark M.
I'd almost call it anti-specific :-)
4:45 PM
but we're having no luck making those technologies work with our CDN's Wowza media server
David R.
Do you ever plan on selling printed copies of your books?
Mark M.
David: the Advanced Android and Tutorials books are in print
in fact, recently updated
the Tuning book will see print when it hits 1.0 (1st Edition)
David R.
Really? When/Where can I buy a hard copy?
Mark M.
the original The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development *has* been in print as _Beginning Android_ from Apress
they're available in your favorite online bookstore, particularly ones named after large South American rivers
anyway, _Beginning Android_ and I are parting ways after this summer's _Beginning Android 3_
due to contractual limitations, I will be unable to return _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ to print myself, though
David R.
A new version of it eh?
Mark M.
a new version of what?
David R.
You said _Beginning Android and you are parting ways.
Mark M.
David R.
Figured you were writing a different copy or something.
Mark M.
yes, they will be updating it to _Beginning Android 4_
*I* won't be updating it to _Beginning Android 4_
they basically demanded that the book be done by around Thanksgiving, and we might not even have ICS hardware by then
David R.
Yeah its pretty lame.
Thats the only thing I dislike about android..
All the different versions and lack of support on phones.
4:50 PM
David R.
I think my Evo is still running 2.2
5:00 PM
Mark M.
OK, that's it for today's chat
next one 10am Eastern Tuesday
have a pleasant day, all!
has left the room
David R.
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Tuesday, November 1


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • David Rumley
  • Filbert
  • Mark Murphy