Office Hours β€” Today, September 6

← Thursday, September 1

Sep 6
3:55 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
4:25 PM
has entered the room
hello mark!
Mark M.
howdy, scottt!
i don't have any questions. i just popped in since i finally got a chance
Mark M.
as you can see, it's a wee bit quiet today
the tampa bay android developers group is doing well: 65 members at the moment
Mark M.
that's pretty good
my folks spend the winter months in appropriately-named Winter Haven
if I get down there sometime during a non-holiday, I'll let you know, in case there's anything I can do for your group while I'm in the area
i remember you mentioning that. my folks used to live near there
that would be very cool
we recently started a group app. but its starting out a bit slow with everyone doing the new school-year thing
4:30 PM
Mark M.
yeah, understood
since a Scott T is in charge, I'm guessing that's yours :-)
its tuff not to just do the design and the coding myself, but i'm hoping to identify future partners for commercial projects
yeah, that would be me
i've been distracted doing on-site contract work, but i reacently worked it out to cut back my hours. my goal is to do a serious retool and get my android dev creds so that i can do that professionally
Mark M.
sounds like a plan
I don't keep in tune with the contract markets, but I get the sense that Android is doing fairly well in terms of opportunities
bonus is that there's a lot of remote work avail. which is what i find the best.
Mark M.
yes, it's great to be able to take on jobs beyond the immediate vicinity
if the number of craigslist and dice posting is any indication, then yeah its a good market right now
(but i don't know for sure. it could be that a lot of the cl ones are of the non-serious "we'll pay up to $200 for an app that does the following 50 things")
4:35 PM
Mark M.
DICE never really suffered from that, back when I used them
i like the remote stuff cuz i'm most creative late at night
Mark M.
ah, OK
I'm most sleepy late at night
i also found i like working for smaller places. not too much into the mega-corp dilbert thing anymore
Mark M.
aw, c'mon -- with remote work, you won't even know if your boss' hair is pointy
true. but the mega-corps don't seem to tolerate remote work
Mark M.
well, that's all in the packaging
"remote work", no
"hiring a consulting firm", yes
has entered the room
ok. if you put it that way...
Mark M.
howdy, Julius!
hi everybody
hello julius
Mark M.
Julius: do you have a question?
oh yes
Mark M.
fire away!
4:40 PM
I have a gridview which has some images (in the context of Honeycomb+) and I am wanting persistent highlight when these are selected.
Mark M.
there's only two people, so it's open season at the moment
I'm following your book which is working
however I'd like the highlight to show over the top of the view rather than underneath
I was wondering if you'd come cross that problem
Mark M.
it's a bit specific...
Mark M.
the "activated" construct is a background
so, you wouldn't be able to use that
heh background over the top probably doens't make sense
Mark M.
your best bet, off the cuff, would be to construct your grid cells with this in mind
Mark M.
e.g., put an ImageView over top of your other contents via a FrameLayout
then affect a change to the ImageView for the cell(s) you want "activated"
I was thinking about holding the state in the item in the adapter
Mark M.
you'll need to hold it somewhere
assuming that this isn't part of the data model, then the adapter is probably an OK spot
I have another question if scottt doesn't have one
4:45 PM
Mark M.
scottt: did a question come to mind?
nope, go ahead Julius
I'm having some trouble with onActivityResult being "hit" in a Fragment
what I wanted to know is:
if I call startActivityForResult(... from a Fragment, is it any different from calling it from an Activity?
ie. will onActivityResult be called in both cases?
the docs suggest that calling startActivityForResult in a Fragment just uses the Activity to start the Activity
Mark M.
haven't tried it
so I figure it doesn't make a difference either way.
Mark M.
one imagines that there's a bit of code in there that routes the result to the fragment
this is where the Android Compatibility Library comes in handy
while we don't have Honeycomb source, we do have ACL source, in the SDK
yeah appartently if you don't call super in the Activity's onActicityResult, onActivity Result in the Fragment won't get called
ah O see
yeah I should check that out
been using that for tabs and fragment stuff
er ActionBar stuff
Mark M.
taking a peek at the source now, hold on
4:50 PM
Mark M.
they merge in the fragment ID into the requestCode
you can only use the lower 16 bits for the requestCode
oh so it might make a difference afterall
Mark M.
then, onActivityResult() of the Activity will pull the fragment ID out of the requestCode and call onActivityResult() of the Fragment
so, if a Fragment calls startActivityForResult(), the result *can* make it back to it, if the activity chains to the superclass as you indicated
right so calling myActivity.startActivityForResult is different from myFragment.startActivityForResult
Mark M.
subtly, yes
Mark M.
I would have thought this would be a good thing
oh well...
yeah I guess
I have a few things I need to change :)
Mark M.
you can always call getActivity().startActivityForResult() if you want the activity-only behavior
yes it is granular which is good - you're right
just - you know I'm migrating an application from Activities to FragmentActivities and Fragments
Mark M.
hopefully with few profanities
which means some of my AsyncTasks which sometimes use myActivity.startA... will need to change
oh yeah sorry bout that
Mark M.
huh? just a joke
it's colloquially (if that's a word) not really that bad :)
Mark M.
why would an AsyncTask call startActivityForResult()?
oh good
say I have an AsynTask that goes to check the status of something then in onPostExecute it makes the decision to start an activity
Mark M.
that seems like an odd flow
4:55 PM
go on :) always looking for improvements
Mark M.
what sort of work is being done in doInBackground()?
going to a server online to check whether there is a credit card
Mark M.
I guess that makes sense
if there is make a purchase perhaps or show a creditcard addition screen
Mark M.
yeah, OK, I probably overreacted
oh no please I'm all for anyone giving me better ways of doing things
thank you for looking that source up
I'm a bit slow at reading that stuff
I'll get there, but you know... :)
Mark M.
yeah, the Android code is sometimes tough to follow
Ms. Hackborn's stuff tends to be a bit easier for me to follow, and I think she wrote the ACL
well it seems like it's really well written which for me makes it hard to follow :p
the commenting seems pretty good
well it's just about that time. Thank you again for your help! Stilll looking out for that beer fund
Mark M.
since I'm not a beer drinker, you'll be waiting a while for that
have a great day!
yes beer is more a variable :)
Mark M.
you too!
5:00 PM
thanks, you too bfn!
has left the room
Mark M.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm.... $BEER!
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

← Thursday, September 1


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Julius
  • Mark Murphy
  • scottt