Office Hours — Today, August 9

Thursday, August 4

Mark M.
has entered the room
Aug 9
3:55 PM
Mark M.
turned on guest access
4:00 PM
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, Chris!
how can I help you today?
Hi. I'm on a call and super busy and won't be able to talk much :( Prolly ask my question horribly too. 1 sec...
But basically I was looking at the weather app that spawns a service and offers up an API and that service can store stuff like the session info for the httpclient
Mark M.
messy example, but, yes, I know which one you're referring to
Yeah took me a while to get my head around it :)
so that's one activity that binds to a service...
can you have multiple activities bind to the same service?
4:05 PM
Mark M.
4:05 PM
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, David!
David: feel free to ask a question, since there are only two people in the room
Chris: feel free to follow up on your question when you're ready
like say the main activity is a list, then you select an item and then it launches another list activity, both activities can use the same service so they can access the same service and use the same http client and session info?
View paste
I need your advice on how to implment a video player. 
Android provides MediaController and MediaRecorder for video playing and recording.
Between these two activities, screen are switching, because a video play or record starts own Activity.
Is it possible to play a video directly from the camera view without switching the screen?
Mark M.
beats me
I have never used MediaRecorder
You guys go ahead I got the main question answered
Is MediaController and MediaRecorder exclusive?
Mark M.
beats me
I have never used MediaRecorder
I cannot answer any questions about MediaRecorder, sorry
I see.
4:10 PM
How about MediaController?
Mark M.
what about it?
you use it with a VideoView, or possibly a MediaPlayer
I need to play a video from camera view without switching the screen?
Mark M.
that has nothing to do with MediaController
that has everything to do with MediaRecorder, SurfaceView, and however MediaRecorder handles previews
none of which I know the details of
because I have never used MediaRecorder
good tip. Do you think it is possible to play a video from camera view to VideoView in the same screen?
Mark M.
I rather doubt it
Camera does not work that way for its previews
I would be stunned if MediaRecorder worked that way
but, for the fourth time this chat, I have never used MediaRecorder
Thanks anyway
4:15 PM
That is all for today. I will dig some more thanks.
Mark M.
has left the room
4:30 PM
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, fitz!
how can I help you today?
no specifics today
4:35 PM
other than - thank goodness stocks behaved themselves today
Mark M.
so did socks
leastways, mine haven't been crashing
ya - well it looks like I am getting pulled into meeting cya
has left the room
Mark, I think I have what I need. I'll research and see if I run into any problems. Hope it's not too difficult :) I like the idea of having a service out there that keeps track of stuff like the connection because I was passing the session info around and think it was a retarded way of doing it.
Mark M.
yeah, well, I'm no fan of binding
I might like it better binding from a fragment and using setRetainInstance(true)
otherwise, state is a pain
which is why that example is so messy
I haven't even looked at fragments yet :(
Mark M.
you'll want to before the year is out
4:40 PM
I'm glad you came out with a tuning book. I can't wait to look at that.
Mark M.
OTOH, if you're looking for a tuning fork, I can't help you
4:45 PM
i want a refund!
Darryl B.
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, Darryl!
how can I help you today?
Darryl B.
Hi Mark I have a question about using Jackson and JAXB
4:50 PM
Darryl B.
is that ok to ask here?
Mark M.
you're welcome to try the Jackson question
I have never used JAXB
Darryl B.
I see, well it seems that it is not fully supported on the Andoid platform
Mark M.
you have three built-in XML parsers: DOM, SAX, XmlPullParser
Darryl B.
We were having trouble with using the JAXB annotations and I was hoping that you had the life preserver I was looking for :)\
Mark M.
I am not aware of anyone with a solution for JAXB on Android
Darryl B.
will I be able to use the Jackson annotations in place of the JAXB if we rewrite our code?
Mark M.
that I don't know -- I've only ever looked at the Jackson streaming API
Jackson in general works on Android
and annotations in general work on Android
but I can't speak specifically on Jackson annotations and Android
Darryl B.
Ok thanks for the information I can let you know how goes
Mark M.
um, well, actually
as of February, they didn't work
4:55 PM
Mark M.
because, if I understand that answer correctly, Jackson depends on JAXB annotations
Darryl B.
wow, that is what we are seeing, humm this will get interesting
I tried the USE_ANNOTATIONS flag as well based on the information in the issues log from the Jackson site, but we still had the JAXB stuff embedded in the code so I was not sure of the result
Thanks again for the information
Mark M.
happy to help
Darryl B.
Keep up the good work, still making my way through the BCG Advanced book
Mark M.
Darryl B.
has left the room
Mark M.
BTW, _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 3.9 is now out
though there's a few hundred PDFs yet to be generated
OK, make that more like ~1,200 PDFs yet to be generated
running slow today
5:00 PM
Mark M.
and that's it for today's chat
next one is Thursday, 10am Eastern, IIRC
have a pleasant day!
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Thursday, August 4


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Chris
  • Darryl Brown
  • David
  • fitz
  • Mark Murphy