Jun 28 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
David | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
howdy, David!
David |
David |
View paste
Jun 28 | 4:00 PM |
Julius | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
you only use Flex if the whole app will be in Flex and if you're willing to limit yourself to Flex-compatible devices
Mark M. |
this looks like 2D graphics to me
David |
Yes. that is 2D.
David |
How can I implement it in Android?
Mark M. |
use 2D graphics
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
like games, etc. use
David |
Each store has irregular shape.
Mark M. |
David |
Should I add each image to ImageView?
David |
How can I set the location of images that composes the whole map?
Mark M. |
you draw them
Mark M. |
using graphics drawing primitives
Mark M. |
I presume
Mark M. |
this isn't my area of expertise
Mark M. |
(btw, howdy, Julius!)
Julius |
David |
Is it part of OpenGL?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
you're welcome to use OpenGL if you're more comfortable with that
David |
OpenGL is for 3D.
David |
It is overkilled.
Jun 28 | 4:05 PM |
David |
Is Flex a good solution?
Mark M. |
some Android games went the OpenGL route, even for 2D stuff, because it was graphics accelerated and 2D not
David |
I see.
Mark M. |
Honeycomb adds 2D graphics acceleration, so OpenGL will be less necessary going forward for that
Mark M. |
and performance isn't a huge issue for a mall map
David |
Mark M. |
you're welcome to use Flex, *if the whole app will be in Flex*
Mark M. |
you cannot mix and match Flex and Java the way you might mix and match Flex and HTML/JS
David |
I see.
David |
Do mean I have to use Flex Builder.
Mark M. |
I have no idea
Mark M. |
I have not developed anything with Flex on Android
Mark M. |
I know it gets packaged into an APK, which is why the mix-and-match option is not available
David |
Ok. Thanks
Mark M. |
Julius: do you have a question?
Julius |
hi yes
Julius |
I was wondering with fonts, are OTF and TTF fonts supported in all versions?
Mark M. |
TTF, yes
Mark M. |
OTF support was added later, not sure when off the top of my head
Julius |
ah right
Mark M. |
it's possible a font editor could convert an OTF into a TTF
Jun 28 | 4:10 PM |
Julius |
ah didn't know that
Julius |
thanks for the tip
Mark M. |
I don't either
Julius |
btw - just started looking into Fragments and are using the style in your book
Mark M. |
I'm just speculating
Julius |
(no sure; possible)
Mark M. |
David: do you have another question?
Julius |
(it's seems a bit easier to understand than the style on the developer site)
Mark M. |
well, bear in mind that the full picture is covered over two books
Mark M. |
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ covers some fairly simple scenarios
Mark M. |
the Advanced Android book gets into more elaborate stuff
Julius |
Julius |
we're going to have to convert one application which is going to be easy in parts and tricky in others
Julius |
we're wondering about new applications, whether to start using Fragment and FragmentActivity from the get go
Julius |
it's hard to know if you don't know how things will be laid out on a tablet
Julius |
(if that's not specified)
Julius |
also we're thinking that we'll have to make good use of the layout folders when ice cream sandwich comes along
Mark M. |
I'd lean towards starting new projects with fragments, if the project is of decent size
Mark M. |
(e.g., more than a couple of activities)
Julius |
(assuming ActionBar will exist for phones in ICS)
Mark M. |
and isn't a game or something that is orthogonal to the whole fragment thing
Mark M. |
I expect ICS to have an action bar
Julius |
oh yeah no game stuff
Julius |
Jun 28 | 4:15 PM |
Julius |
so we'll need to use v12 (or whatever) along with xlarge or whatever
Mark M. |
build target=API Level 11
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
and a suitable <supports-screens> for whatever you're supportign
Mark M. |
er, supporting
Julius |
Julius |
Julius |
well I'm going to attempt to do all the Action BAr stuff over the next few days
Julius |
thenm just convert one Activity to a Fragment based one
Julius |
I have one large TabActivity in this specific project which is going to be tricky... :/
Julius |
ah well
Julius |
thanks for getting the documentation out early
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
that's the benefit of my publishing model
Julius |
we had a discussion about books at the last Android group and 3 of us are using your books
Julius |
and unanimously agreed they were the best
Julius |
Mark M. |
wow, thanks!
Julius |
well we're wanting to grow the community and make good apps!
Julius |
anywho I better get started on these ActionBArs
Julius |
thanks again
Julius |
Julius | has left the room |
Mark M. |
David: do you have another question?
David |
No more questions.
Mark M. |
OK, if you think of one, chime in
David |
Thank for your advice all the time.
Jun 28 | 4:20 PM |
Mark M. |
you are very welcome
David | has left the room |
Jun 28 | 4:35 PM |
fitz | has entered the room |
fitz |
Mark M. |
howdy, fitz!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
fitz |
well I have Google calendar showing a list of
calendars in Android - no details of the calendar but it is progress -
slow but progress :)
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
are you using that beta JAR?
Mark M. |
I just watched the I|O video on Android+Google APIs a week or so ago
fitz |
just checking in no specifics - was at java show last week and meet up with manning publishers - they know of you
Mark M. |
they weren't sticking pins into the left shoulder of a voodoo doll, were they?
fitz |
ya it is json atom stuff
fitz |
no do not know history with manning they seamed to
know of what your doing - they produce a book called Android in Action -
heard of it?
Mark M. |
oh, yeah
Mark M. |
I was just joking
Jun 28 | 4:40 PM |
Mark M. |
no particular history with Manning
fitz |
ok well I do not have specific questions so will catch you next time - have a good one
Mark M. |
see ya!
fitz | has left the room |
fitz | has entered the room |
fitz |
forgot - which one of the books has something on web services - or do they not touch on that
Mark M. |
nothing specific to Web services, per se
Mark M. |
Android doesn't have built-in support for SOAP and stuff
fitz |
ok thanks
Mark M. |
so it's mostly just HTTP
fitz |
ok thanks
Mark M. |
plus finding a third-party JAR that implements the API you want
fitz | has left the room |
Jun 28 | 4:55 PM |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |