Apr 19 | 7:25 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Apr 19 | 7:30 PM |
fitz | has entered the room |
Apr 19 | 7:35 PM |
fitz |
Mark M. |
howdy, fitz!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
fitz |
I am beyond help today :)
Mark M. |
why? Tax Day was yesterday
fitz |
so I an on tutorials running 17-lacation
fitz |
trying to figure out this mess with keystore
Mark M. |
that would be the 18-Map tutorial
fitz |
as I understand it keystore in Eclipse already runs in background and in IntelliJ it does as well
Mark M. |
you don't need a keystore just to get location data
fitz |
ya sorry 18-maps and looking at 19
Mark M. |
um, I'd phrase it more that all the build processes automatically sign your APK
Mark M. |
unless you stipulate manually that you want an unsigned APK
fitz |
but you say we need an API key - link goes to Google and this MD5 fingerprint
Mark M. |
fitz |
so do I need to get this MD5 fingerprint from 3rd party
Apr 19 | 7:40 PM |
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
you follow the instructions on the Google Add-On site
Mark M. | |
Mark M. |
specifically start with "Getting the MD5 Fingerprint of the SDK Debug Certificate"
Mark M. |
that's where I link you to at the bottom of page 217
Mark M. |
"Full instructions for doing this can be found on the Android developer site", with 'Android developer site' being a hyperlink
fitz |
ok will look it over - question on google apps and
tying into them, can we do this for free gmail accounts or does a user
have to be a google apps paid user ($50/yr)
Mark M. |
beats the heck out of me
Mark M. |
I've never used a GData API in my life outside of C2DM
fitz |
ok just thought I would ask
Mark M. |
oh, that's not true
Mark M. |
I wrote a little script to update my Gmail sig
Mark M. |
but I have zero experience with Google Docs via API
fitz |
you see music clouds are forming :)
Mark M. |
Apr 19 | 7:45 PM |
fitz |
Amazon anouncing the 5GB free to store music - and
if you buy music from them they automatically store it for you for free
- idea being you link all your devices to the cloud account and you can
play the music
fitz |
Google is about to do the same - should be interesting to see
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
I was trying to figure out where "music clouds" tied into Google Docs
Mark M. |
and map API keys
fitz |
big boys are going to hammer it out - wonder what the music industry thinks :)
Mark M. |
what's interesting is that the "music industry" apparently really isn't all that big
Mark M. |
Amazon or Google could buy a major record label outright without batting an eye
fitz |
map API - I just need to read up on it more -
music cloud is the talk of the town - I would think you will here more
at Google IO
Mark M. |
possibly on the I|O -- depends on whether there are GData APIs or not
Mark M. |
it's enough of a developer conference that pure user-facing stuff probably won't get a lot of airtime
Mark M. |
though, looking at the topics, it is practically an Android conference
fitz |
well that could be there ticket to bigger things at Google
Apr 19 | 7:50 PM |
fitz |
so on a side note - are there many business
applications out in the market - apps that actually help the business
traveler or just games :)
fitz |
I would think with Tablet out and in due time that business people would want some business apps as well
Mark M. |
well, on a percentage basis, I'd say the "business apps" is probably a smaller area than it was on Windows Mobile
fitz |
I am thinking on the lines of a light app for cell and full paid version for tablet
Mark M. |
I think that free/paid split is a good strategy
Mark M. |
by default, the phone app will still be available
for tablets, but the "premium" edition would make use of the real estate
and add other stuff
fitz |
ya and I assume tablet market will not really get cranken till x-mass
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
it'll pick up some steam this summer, when more models come out
Mark M. |
but serious momentum probably isn't until the holiday season
fitz |
was in a hackathon the weekend before you were in CA and google tablet expert was asked how many apps run on it now - he said 8
Mark M. |
"run on it" really means "optimized for tablets"
Mark M. |
for example, Evernote just pushed out a major update today, but didn't add any tablet-specific support
Mark M. |
it runs on a tablet just fine
fitz |
so it is super small but he said the market apps
will be offered on tablet - so he made it sound like it is a matter of
just opening the door
Mark M. |
however, they don't make as effective of use of the screen space as they could
Apr 19 | 7:55 PM |
fitz |
ok that makes sense
fitz |
ok well I can drop off and not hold you up today - have a good night
Mark M. |
I'm here until 8:30pm Eastern, regardless
Mark M. |
some people drop in late
fitz |
ok well maybe I will keep open just to observe
fitz |
will go try the MD5 stuff
Apr 19 | 8:25 PM |
fitz |
ok have MD5 - that was fun :)
Mark M. |
You have an odd definition of "fun"
fitz |
ya it is twisted
Apr 19 | 8:30 PM |
Mark M. |
any final questions?
Mark M. |
well, that's it for the chat
Mark M. |
next one is Thursday at 10am Eastern
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
fitz | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |