Office Hours — Today, March 15

Friday, March 11

Mar 15
3:45 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
3:55 PM
Mark M.
turned on guest access
Chris H.
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, Chris!
Chris H.
Hello Mark.
First let me say thanks for doing the books. Very helpfull
Mark M.
how can I help you today?
you're welcome!
Chris H.
I was hoping you could point me in the right direction
I am working on a project that we would like to use android
It will be based around the module used in TI's AM3517 EVM
Because of that there is a Android port for it already
However, I have been working with a beagleboard in preperation, and trying to get a simple LED blink in an android app.
has entered the room
4:00 PM
Chris H.
I have been working on the JNI turorials, but am not sure how to connect the android sdk with the TI port (rowboat)
Mark M.
Chris, you are so far out of my depth, I can't see the bottom
I have never dealt with custom hardware
Chris H.
damn :(
Mark M.
I have only seen a BeagleBoard in photos online
not my cup o' tea
(btw, howdy, scottt)
hello, just lurking today
Mark M.
Chris H.
Thanks anyway Mark.
Mark M.
Chris: got any other questions, maybe on a pure software front?
Chris H.
I'm thinking
Okay, I got one.
I did a little "speedometer" using two imageViews on top of each other.
one is the background and the other is the "needle"
I used a rotate on the needle to get it to animate
4:05 PM
Chris H.
however the only reason it worked is that I put the images in the upper left corner of the view. If I were to put to of these "speedometers" side by side, what would be the best way to know where my reference point is on the second one to make it rotate properly?
Mark M.
By "rotate" you mean RotateAnimation?
Chris H.
I'm pulling it up now so I don't tell you the wrong thing
I've actually done it two ways, the first used something only in Honeycomb
yes, I did a rotate animation with a pivot point.
Mark M.
RotateAnimation lets you specify the pivot point on a relative basis
Chris H.
Aha, thanks.
Mark M.
use this is the six-parameter RotateAnimation constructor
then, all you need is the X/Y within the image, which you know at compile time by examining the image
4:10 PM
Mark M.
I haven't played with the new Honeycomb object animators yet, though I seem to recall it'd be easier that way, but HC-only
Chris H.
Yeah, in Honeycomb the imageView has a .setRotation method
Oh, and a .setPivotX and .setPivotY method
Mark M.
any other questions?
4:15 PM
Chris H.
umm, not right now. I have some tougher ones, but I'm gonna wait until I'm further along before I try and get into that. If you have anyone you know that can point me in the right direction on the hardware front, I would be eternally gratefull. I might ping you about it from time to time.
Mark M.
don't know if this will help:…
Chris H.
I'll take a look, thanks!
4:20 PM
Mark M.
if anyone comes up with a question, chime in
not a question, but the new Tampa Bay Android Developers Group will have its inaugural mtg tomorrow. a 6 month subscription to commonsware (obtained via the bug bounty pgm) will be given away as a door prize
Mark M.
4:25 PM
Mark M.
my folks winter in Winter Haven nowadays -- I flew into Tampa in late November last year
Chris H.
I'm sorry if I don't have any programming questions, but I have also been shopping for an Android support provider. You see, I was comparing Android with QNX and Timesys for options for my project. Both of the later options have support that comes with their tools. Well, Android tools are free, but where do I go if I get stuck? Anyway, if you have any good suggestions for a company that offers a small scale support contract or a "case by case" support model that would work for a small company like ours, I'd love to hear it.
Mark M.
if you think of it, drop me a line in early October, and we'll see if I can do something with your group on my next visit
Chris: for custom hardware, I don't know of any firms
cool! it's a good time of year to be here (as opposed to the north east)
Mark M.
you might poke around the folk who create modded ROMs (e.g., Cyanogen, JesusFreke) -- they're more likely to know people with the relevant skills
QNX and Timesys have both been around for a bit; Android equivalents will surely rise to the occasion, but I just don't know any by name
though I do have a contact I can ping into, to see if he knows of firms in this neck of the woods
Chris H.
cool, thanks. I think Timesys is looking at doing some Android support, but they don't have the business model worked out yet. I did like their tools.
4:30 PM
Chris H.
Mark, Do you archive your office hour chats?
Mark M.
right now, links get posted to the [cw-android] Google Group
I plan to set up a more formal archive index page on the Web site sometime
so much to do, so little time...
Chris H.
I hear that!
Mark M.
Chris: I shot an email to my one Android/hardware contact, and I'll see if he has recommendations
Chris H.
thank you
Mark M.
pop in the chat sometime again and ask, and I'll let you know if I found anything
Chris H.
will do
4:35 PM
Chris H.
Guess I'll head out. Take care fellas
Chris H.
has left the room
4:40 PM
i still got nothing and am heading out
Mark M.
have a pleasant day!
i like to lurk cuz it helps spawn ideas when seeing what other people are actively doing
yes, you have an enjoyable evening
has left the room
5:00 PM
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Friday, March 11


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Chris Hartley
  • Mark Murphy
  • scottt