Mar 11 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Mar 11 | 4:05 PM |
Tejas (. | has entered the room |
Tejas (. |
Hello !
scottt | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
howdy Tejas & Scottt!
Tejas (. |
Hi Mark ! I'm awesome. Just had couple of fundamental questions
scottt |
Mark M. |
Tejas: go ahead
Tejas (. |
View paste
Mark M. |
hang on...
Tejas (. |
Mar 11 | 4:10 PM |
Mark M. |
sigh, phone call came in moments after I opened the chat room...
Mark M. |
anyway, I'm back now
Mark M. |
Tejas: the lifecycle methods of a service (onCreate(), onStartCommand(), etc.) are called on the main application thread
Mark M. |
whether or not you'll get an ANR dialog will be determined whether there's an activity of yours on-screen at the time, I think
Mark M. |
if the service is purely in the background, I suspect it will just log to LogCat
Mark M. |
I know that's how it works for manifest-registered BroadcastReceivers
Mark M. |
I am guessing a service will work the same
Mark M. |
Scottt: do you have a question?
scottt |
how are your other books, "Beginning Android X" etc, positioned relative to the BCG ones?
Tejas (. |
ok so an application has a service only (no
activity) then there shouldn't be any need to spawn a worker thread to
perform long tasks.
Mark M. |
scottt: Beginning Android 2 = The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development Version 2.9
Mark M. |
same content, different cover
Mark M. |
Tejas: I'd still use an IntentService and get the
work in a background thread. Calls on the main application thread
execute at foreground priority, and so you will tie up the CPU.
scottt |
gotcha, thanks
Mark M. |
hence, you might slow down the frame rate of the game the user is playing at the time
Mar 11 | 4:15 PM |
Tejas (. |
ok. I get it
Mark M. |
scottt: do you have another question?
scottt |
mostly using your book(s), i have my first mini app about to publish (mostly just some help/about content left to do)...
Mark M. |
scottt |
but if i open up the running apps subdialog, i notice my app is stil listed there
Mark M. |
are you referring to in the Settings app?
scottt |
Mark M. |
let me run a test...give me a moment...
scottt |
i dont have any app-launched services and i remove my timer (Handle) callbacks and shutdown my TTS "connection"
Mar 11 | 4:20 PM |
Mark M. |
what does it have listed underneath your app name?
Mark M. |
for example "1 process and 1 service"
Mark M. |
scottt |
scottt |
listed where? there's nothing like that in the running app screen or the running services screen
Mark M. |
there is on my Nexus S
Mark M. |
maybe it's a 2.3 thing
Mark M. |
what are you using for this test?
scottt |
htc EVO 4G running stock 2.2
Mark M. |
hold on while I boot my EVO
scottt |
perhaps there's something relevant in DDMS that will give me more info?
Mark M. |
not that I am aware of
Mark M. |
yeah, OK, what I want is only on 2.3
scottt |
do i need to delete the saved state data manually?
Mar 11 | 4:25 PM |
Mark M. |
what "saved state data"?
scottt |
i havent tried leaving it to see if its just a matter of waiting for the GC to run
scottt |
a few vars saved in onSaveInstanceState()
Mark M. |
no, that Bundle gets cleaned up for you
Mark M. |
frankly, I think the EVO's Running Applications tab is just borked
Mark M. |
getting strange results on mine
Mark M. |
you might try running your app on the 2.3 emulator and see what happen
Mark M. |
er, happens
scottt |
i notice other things seem to be listed as running but shouldnt be. often with 0 ram etc
Mark M. |
scottt |
ok. i'll try that
Mark M. |
Tejas: do you have another question?
Tejas (. |
I'll sneak in one quicky : Apart from
IntentService and AsyncTasks, does android provide any other thread
related construct ? [apart from manually using the Thread class]
scottt |
its probaby not an actual issue, but i worry that there'd be a bad perception issue with users
scottt |
go ahead tejas
Mark M. |
Tejas: well, there are a variety of things that
will do stuff asynchronously for you (sensors, locations, MediaPlayer's
prepareAsync(), etc.)
Mark M. |
in terms of a thread-like construct that you
manage yourself, Android specifically has IntentService, AsyncTask, and
Tejas (. |
yes, but those are for specific purposes right
Mark M. |
plus, there's the thread pool stuff in java.util.concurrent, though that is not unique to Android
Mark M. |
well, it depends on how you define "specific purposes"
Mar 11 | 4:30 PM |
Tejas (. |
Also, for AsynTask I see the limitation that one
instance of AsyncTask can only be executed once. What if I need to call
the task multiple times ?
Mark M. |
You don't
Mark M. |
you create new instances of your AsyncTask subclass
Tejas (. |
yup. got it
Mark M. |
scottt: do you have another question?
scottt |
not at the moment
Tejas (. |
something non-technical. Mark, you may not have an answer, but may be able to provide some insight or just discuss !
Mark M. |
um, ok
Tejas (. |
I see that there is no Intent documented to receive SMS
Mark M. |
Tejas (. |
but still there is a permission documented for it
Mark M. |
also correct
Mark M. |
I'm guessing that you're not quite sure how we wound up in that state
Tejas (. |
this confuses me ! have they missed on documenting the receive SMS Intent
Mark M. |
not exactly
Mark M. |
see, way back in the dawn of time, otherwise known as 2006 and early 2007, there was no Android SDK
Mar 11 | 4:35 PM |
Mark M. |
they weren't thinking of third-party apps at first
Mark M. |
when they decided to add support for third-party
apps, they needed to come up with a dividing line between what was part
of the SDK and what wasn't
Mark M. |
some of that worked out reasonably cleanly
Mark M. |
sometimes, they made odd decisions
Tejas (. |
ok, but should we be using the undocumented Intent or not !
Mark M. |
Tejas (. |
if not, why is the permission still there !
Mark M. |
well, there are lots of permissions in the system, even the SDK, that are not relevant for SDK apps (e.g., BRICK)
Mark M. |
in terms of whether you should use that undocumented Intent, it is probably the safest undocumented item in all of Android
Mark M. |
using undocumented stuff is never a good idea, but receiving SMSes is unlikely to change
Mark M. |
that's why I cover it in the SMS chapter of the Advanced Android book
Tejas (. |
ok thanks
scottt |
<suggestion> perhaps a page on TTS would be a
good addition to the books. its easy to use and has a bit of a "wow
factor" </suggestion>
Mark M. |
TTS is on my list of things to write about someday
Mark M. |
it's a long list
Mark M. |
right now, it's all about Honeycomb
scottt |
i imagine it is
Mark M. |
any other questions?
scottt |
meh. i plan to ignore 3.0 for a while. i dont think the numbers will be there in 2011
Mark M. |
I wouldn't rush, but starting to think about fragments is not a bad idea
Mark M. |
with the Android Compatibility Library, they work back to 1.6
Mar 11 | 4:40 PM |
Mark M. |
bear in mind that some of the Honeycomb UI stuff may wind up on phones as part of Ice Cream Sandwich
Tejas (. |
not from me.
Mark M. |
if so, 3.x UIs will sell in some quantity in the second half of 2011
scottt |
yeah. as the hw races forward, the platform sw can do more
scottt |
and there'll probably be a need to compete again webos more as hp starts pushing it
scottt |
Mark M. |
I'm still fairly skeptical on the WebOS front, if only because HP doesn't have a great track record of pushing phones
Mark M. |
we'll see how their tablet does
Mark M. |
while WebOS may get loaded on HP PCs next year, it's unclear what that will mean, exactly
Mark M. |
Windows Phone 7 is probably the more immediate challenger to the iOS/Android smartphone momentum
Tejas (. |
what do you think of the Chrome OS
Mark M. |
haven't played with it
Tejas (. |
i got the CR48 last month
Mark M. |
been using it for much?
scottt |
true. IMO hp has been a lot like motorola.
outstanding hw, but lack-luster sw. but with the purchase of palm and
staff, perhaps...
Tejas (. |
I'm still not able have an opinion yet !
Tejas (. |
yes, at least use it once daily
Mar 11 | 4:45 PM |
Tejas (. |
the only value I find it (as of now) is that if you loose it, you are worry free of any data
Tejas (. |
otherwise its just a Hardware Browser :)
Mark M. |
Tejas (. |
i cannot imagine myself going out just with that book. I need my laptop
Mark M. |
one possible interesting use case for Chrome OS would be in the way Motorola is handling the ATRIX and its "Lap Dock"
Tejas (. |
as an external Keyboard ?
Mark M. |
the lap dock gives you desktop Firefox alongside what amounts to a VNC client of your phone
Tejas (. |
and a bigger screen
Tejas (. |
oh.. ok
Mark M. |
that could, in theory, be Chrome OS alongside the phone
scottt |
i find myself moving more and more to phone use versus lap/desktop. mostly cuz i nearly always have it on my person
scottt |
and it's hard to fit any bigger in my pocket
Mark M. |
clearly, you just need bigger pockets
Mark M. |
Tejas (. |
scottt |
lol. i havent even been able to justify (to myself) getting a tablet. unless i plan to dev for it, then heck yeah
Mark M. |
the XOOM is nice but presently pricey
Mark M. |
by the latter half of the year, I would expect more Android tablets to be lower in price
scottt |
very pricey. and it cant make ph calls
Mark M. |
not sure how many Honeycomb tablets will have telephony
Mar 11 | 4:50 PM |
Mark M. |
now, you don't need to be a phone to have Android Market
Mark M. |
even the Samsung Galaxy Tab technically was a phone, just missing the dialer
Tejas (. |
does the Xoom sync with any Android phone
Mark M. |
XOOM syncs with the cloud
scottt |
i'm thinking there's a niche for a ph dock that gives kb and larger screen (is that what the atrix is?)
Mark M. |
Android phones sync with the cloud
Mark M. |
yes, that's the ATRIX and the Lap Dock
Tejas (. |
i know, but what about SMSs
Mark M. |
netbook-sized keyboard/screen
Mark M. |
Tejas: no Messenger client on the XOOM, since it does not receive or send SMS
Mark M. |
hence, that would remain on your phone only
Tejas (. |
the WebOS presentation showed that the tablet and the phone sync messages and even make calls from tablets
Mark M. |
ah, probably via some Bluetooth connection or something
scottt |
what ever happened to the virtual keyboards that used laser (?) projection?
Tejas (. |
I guess even the Blackberry PLaybook is doing the same
Mark M. |
scottt: I know what you mean, haven't seen one in action
Mark M. |
Tejas: it's a reasonable move, and there's not
much stopping Android from offering that, but I don't think it's in
Honeycomb right now
Tejas (. |
may be we can write app that syncs SMSs ! :)
scottt |
why wouldnt it be in honeycomb? wouldnt the ph stuff still be in there waiting for hw?
Mark M. |
scottt: routing calls/SMSes to some other device (e.g., phone) via Bluetooth or something is what's not there
Mar 11 | 4:55 PM |
Mark M. |
a Honeycomb tablet presumably could do telephony natively via the GSM/CDMA chipset
Mark M. |
however, since it's no longer a requirement to get the Android Market, fewer than 100% of tablets will offer it
Tejas (. |
anyways ! Thanks Mark. I'm calling it a day ! Have a nice weekend
Mark M. |
you too!
Tejas (. |
signing out
Tejas (. | has left the room |
scottt |
yeah, i'd just have the ph stuff builtin. and ship a cheapo wired headset wwith it. most users would prob add on a bt one
scottt |
i suppose this stuff will come with competition
scottt |
look ma -- my phone is as large as a textbook
Mar 11 | 5:00 PM |
Mark M. |
well, that's a wrap for today's chat
Mark M. |
two scheduled for next week
scottt |
ok. thanks. have a good we
Mark M. |
including another one at the 4pm Eastern time slot, Tuesday
Mark M. |
have a pleasant weekend!
scottt | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |