Office Hours — Today, November 16

Thursday, November 11

Nov 16
7:50 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
Mark M.
turned off guest access
Mark M.
turned on guest access
7:55 PM
Mike R.
has entered the room
Mike R.
Mark M.
howdy, Mike!
Mike R.
did i get the jump on everyone?
Mark M.
fire away!
Mike R.
here we go. i have a layout issue
want the layout to look like this
8:00 PM
Mike R.
This is basically a listview with 2 rows and then a tableview with 2 rows
Mark M.
Mike R.
problem is that the edit text box at bottom isn't reachable in landscape mode
Mark M.
what edit text box?
Mike R.
so i tried to put it into a scroll view
Mark M.
I don't see one in the screenshot
Mike R.
that greyed out line with the words "MD" in it
Mark M.
Jay M.
has entered the room
Mike R.
so i put it into a scroll view.
now it looks like this
Mark M.
what is "it"?
(btw, howdy, Jay!)
Mike R.
Jay M.
Mark M.
Mike: what exactly did you put into the ScrollView?
Mike R.
layout looks like this
Mark M.
You can't put a ListView in a ScrollView
Mike R.
i put the listview and the tableview inside a scroll view
Mark M.
doesn't work well
Mike R.
problem is the edit text depends on the values chosen in the listview. can't put the edit text at top
Mark M.
so, don't put the ListView in the ScrollView
Mike R.
i'll try that.
8:05 PM
Mark M.
basically, have the ListView atop the ScrollView, where the ScrollView has the rest of your widgets
or, put them side-by-side, for landscape (list on left, field and button on right)
Mike R.
ok thanks
Mark M.
ideally, users should not have to scroll forms, so if you can reorganize the landscape layout to avoid it, so much the better
think back to the LunchList tutorial, where we reworked the detail form to put stuff more laterally rather than vertically stacked
Mike R.
i'll look at that
Mark M.
Jay: do you have a question?
Jay M.
Do you know if it is possible to turn on the screen and bypass the keyguard (i.e. behave like an alarm clock) with Android versions before 2.0?
Mark M.
er, beats me
never looked
Jay M.
It looks like most of the flags for WindowManager that do those things were added in 2.0.
I figured it would be a long shot. :)
Mark M.
that sounds vaguely familiar
but I haven't had a need to look at that, and that's esoteric enough that it won't make the books for a looooooooooooooooooooong time :-)
Jay M.
Yeah. The only reason I think I was able to figure it out for >=2.0 is by looking at the DeskClock source code.
Mark M.
sorry I couldn't be of greater assistance on this one
8:10 PM
Mark M.
Mike: do you have another question?
Jay M.
I've gotta run. Thanks Mark!
Mark M.
see ya!
Mike R.
yeah i've got another
Mark M.
go right ahead!
Mike R.
we have a custom search function. users are trying to use the hardware search button
is there some way to detect and intercept when the user has pressed the hardware button?
Mark M.
I believe it calls onSearchRequested()
Mike R.
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, Jeff!
Hi :)
Mike R.
that's it for me
Mark M.
Jeff: do you have a question?
Mike: ok!
Yep (typing) :)
I'm trying to stack a ShapeDrawable and a BitmapDrawable in a LayerDrawable
I want the ShapeDrawable to be square, and be able to offset it from the upper left & change its size (I'm using it as a crop-cursor)
8:15 PM
I got it to sort of work by wrapping the ShapeDrawable with an InsetDrawable,
but now I can't figure out how to actually change it.
Because InsetDrawable has no obvious setInset(x,x,x,x) method.
First, am I going about this the right way?
Or is there a better way to overlay a square of arbitrary (and dynamic) size that's going to be moved and resized by finger strokes on top of a bitmap?
Mark M.
um, well, you're going *way* the heck out of my depth on these things
so, I have nary a clue whether or not this is the "right way"
ok, let me give a better description of what I'm trying to accomplish.
Mark M.
going back to the InsetDrawable, there are android:insetLeft and kin XML attributes -- any reason you can't use those?
also, the constructor lets you supply the four inset amounts
Because the xml is static, and I need to be able to resize the square and move it?
Mark M.
(the idea: the user will drag the interior of the square to move it over the underlying pic, and grab an edge to make it larger or smaller)
Mark M.
yeah. that doesn't sound like InsetDrawable's purpose in life
Does Android have any real equivalent of a software sprite?
Mark M.
beats me
I'm *so* not a graphics guy
ie, a bitmap with transparent areas that you can arbitrarily position as the top layer.
Mark M.
beats me
:) 2D graphics seems to be the dark, unexplored alley of the Android universe
Mark M.
well, it's certainly dark and unexplored in my books
8:20 PM
Mark M.
_Hello, Android_ has some stuff on it, maybe 30 pages or so
however, that's in the context of a Sudoku game
not quite as interactive as what you're envisioning
Jay M.
has left the room
The javadoc from Google on InsetDrawable is almost complete gibberish.
Mark M.
yeah, a lot of those classes are that way
when I think "sprites", I think of drawing on the Canvas
I've almost gotten the impression that I'm supposed to subclass ShapeDrawable and override the getPadding(Rect) method, but when I tried, it didn't seem to work.
Mark M.
is there a reason you're trying to do this via Drawables?
when all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail? ;-)
Mark M.
OK, as far as canvases go...
is the idea with a canvas that you overlay everything onto a single canvas? Or do you use one canvas per layer, with transparencies, and stack them all like I'm
trying to do so far with the BitmapDrawable and ShapeDrawable in a LayerDrawable?
Mark M.
ummmm...did I mention that I'm *so* not a graphics guy?
Mark M.
I haven't seen much discussion of the layer approach
that being said, I tune out of a lot of that stuff
you might take a shot at StackOverflow, if you haven't already
Yeah, I'm having a rough time, because the only examples I can find that involve overlaying a pointer or crosshair on something involve doing it over Google Maps.
Posted there a day and a half ago.
Mark M.
I would think there's gotta be an open source project for this sort of thing you could examine
Me too... but I haven't found any yet. It's weird, because
cropping a pic from the camera gallery seems like such a blatantly obvious thing that
Mark M.
someone would eventually have to do.
Mark M.
DivideAndConquer and SpriteMethodTest might be interesting for you to examine, based on name/description
these are all written by Googlers
8:25 PM
Hmmm.. ok, that looks intriguing :)
Mark M.
some may be a bit stale
there is also a CropImage class as part of the Gallery3D project in the Android open source project
actually, that reminded me... have you heard reports of URIs returned by the gallery's pick intent working on older phones, but failing inconsistently on newer phones (like the Epic4G, DesireHD, etc)?
Mark M.
you mean ACTION_PICK?
Mark M.
for the MediaStore?
I've seen it happen once on my own phone (Epic), but never managed to replicate it.
Mark M.
um, that would be bad if that's not working
The first time I heard about it was from someone with a Desire.
Mark M.
every time I turn around, there's another hole sprung in the CTS...
also, is there any real difference between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL media store, or is it something Google intended to have at one point that just kind of became moot?
8:30 PM
Mark M.
not sure -- haven't used MediaStore much
CTS = Compatibility Test Suite
Mark M.
devices must pass it to qualify for the Android Market
makes Swiss Cheese look like the Rock of Gibraltar :-(
I have a hunch that it's a bug that only manifests itself with super-hires pics (like 5+ megapixels)
Mark M.
or maybe has something to do with a header that's technically optional, but universal among windows apps and omitted by whatever Android uses to encode the jpeg file.
Mark M.
is the bug that the user doesn't get a chance to pick, or that the user's selection never makes it back to the activity calling startActivityForResult()?
oh, you mean like due to a rotation event? Possibly.
Mark M.
wasn't thinking that, though that'd be another scenario
what scenario did you have in mind?
Mark M.
I interpreted "failing inconsistently" as meaning a force close dialog
I was trying to determine when that dialog was appearing
however, that might have been an invalid assumption on my part
ah. No, in this case, there does seem to be an actual byte[] being generated that gets uploaded to my server, but the php lib that does the image processing chokes on it.
8:35 PM
Mark M.
well, that's weird
That's kind of why my best theory so far is that Android omits something that the php image lib depends on, but is technically optional.
Mark M.
is there a way you can "tee" the upload, so the file gets stored verbatim, even if the PHP library doesn't do anything with it?
then you could see if other image processing tools can read the file
if it's gibberish, lots of apps should fail on it
That was what I was going to try next. It's actually an app I inherited from someone, and the part that does the image uploading is the part I understand the least of all ;-)
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, Ales!
So, I kind of figured rewriting it myself (and adding the image-crop and rotation features) would be a good learning exercise that might leave me with a better idea of where something is going wrong.
Mark M.
sounds reasonable, though my ability to assist will be relatively modest, since that's not my cup o' tea
Ales: do you have a question?
Yes. Is RelativeLayout slower then other layouts like LinearLayout?
Mark M.
not to the extent anyone would notice
I haven't tried creating a million of them to see
8:40 PM
Mark M.
is there some specific scenario you have in mind?
I can position maybe all widgets with just one RelativeLayout, but don't know if that is "optimal"?
Mark M.
RelativeLayout will tend to be cheaper on RAM, and stack space, than nested LinearLayouts
all else being equal, one RelativeLayout is the more efficient answer than nested LinearLayouts
however, not everybody is comfortable with RelativeLayout
Even though OS must search for all widgets to be aligned?
Mark M.
it has to touch all the widgets in either case
hmm interesting
Mark M.
IMHO, you are substantially more likely to be bitten by "out of stack space" errors that RelativeLayout can help fix than you will have problems with RelativeLayout being perceived as too slow
thank you
(still looking at the code in SpriteMethodTest) ;)
Mark M.
ah, I was just going to ask if you had another question
if either of you come up with a question, chime in
Actually, do you mention anywhere in your books whether there's an easy way to put a cancel button and an OK button horizontally in a row, have them collectively fill the width, with a small bit of padding between them?
Mark M.
well, I don't have that specific scenario covered
8:45 PM
I've seen a few scattered examples involving complex layouts, but nothing that seems to be an easy case of "anchor this button to the left, this button to the right, and grow both to fill the width with a N pixel gap between them"
Mark M.
use LinearLayout, with android:layout_width="0px" and android:layout_weight="1" for both
also, assign android:layout_marginLeft and android:layout_marginRight to achieve your gap
awesome, exactly what I was looking for :)
Mark M.
in the latest _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_, I have a new section and sample related to using android:layout_weight for percentage-based scenarios like this
oh, another issue you might have encountered... is multitouch something that can gracefully degrade for older android phones, or is it something where you have to literally build two different versions?
ie, be ignored on an old phone, but work on a new one?
Mark M.
that's impossible to answer in the abstract
ah, ok.
Mark M.
multi-touch results in additional touch events, which you won't get on incapable hardware (e.g., resistive screens)
whether or not your *use* of those additional touch events will "gracefully degrade" is an application question
ah. ok. I was actually getting a little ahead of myself, that's next weeks' project ;)
8:50 PM
the CropImage method in AOSP you were talking about earlier is the one that's in the AOSP camera app, right?
Mark M.
I think so
it was showing up in Gallery and Gallery3D, but I think those house the "camera app" as well, IIRC
OK, I think that'll definitely give me some good leads to explore :)
Can LinearLayout's percentage be changed in Java code. Let's say if I want to set different percentage on different resolutions?
Mark M.
er, yes
get the LinearLayout.LayoutParams for the widget via getLayoutParams()
adjust as needed
then call setLayoutParams() to make the change
ok, will have a look. Thank you.
Thanks for your help, bye.
8:55 PM
Mark M.
Thanks for your help!
Mark M.
see ya!
has left the room
9:00 PM
Mike R.
has left the room
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Thursday, November 11


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Ales
  • Jay M
  • Jeff
  • Mark Murphy
  • Mike Renda

Files in this transcript