Nov 2 | 3:20 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Nov 2 | 3:25 PM |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Nov 2 | 3:30 PM |
Julius | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
howdy, Julius!
Julius |
Good day
Julius |
I hope you are well.
Julius |
I have a couple of questions for you...
Julius |
Mark M. |
fire away!
Julius |
I'll fire away now (tw - I realloy enjoy reading the transcripts of these)
Julius |
I have an Activity which takes photos and saves
the files using an AsyncTask. Mt problem is that if I press the "button"
(an ImageButton) twice in succession (ie. quickly) I get an ANR and the
Camera is no longer accessible in any application unless I reboot the
phone. Just wondering if you've seen this or might have some idea of
things I could do to attempt to prevent this. The call back method is
like this:
Julius |
View paste
Julius |
ooop Mt => My
Mark M. |
where does the ImageButton come into play?
Nov 2 | 3:35 PM |
Julius |
The ImageButton is in the relativeLayout which has teh SurfaceView
Mark M. |
Julius |
it is pressed to start the Camera.takePhoto
Mark M. |
but what does it do?
Mark M. |
Julius |
View paste
Julius |
(In some ways this seems really simple)
Mark M. |
I would disable the ImageButton until after mCamera.startPreview()
Prasanna P. | has entered the room |
Julius |
Of course with your book it does :)
Julius |
Julius |
ok I'll try that - simple an sweet thank you
Mark M. |
howdy, Prasanna!
Prasanna P. |
Hey Mark!
Prasanna P. |
In general is it best practice to do all HTTP request on background threads?
Mark M. |
Prasanna P. |
I need to update my UI based on a result that I
get from making an HTTP request. To do this, in the onCreate() of the
UI thread I create and execute an Asynch Task. My question is do I need
to ‘cancel’ this background thread and/or set the reference to this
background thread to null in the onDestory() of the UI thread?
Mark M. |
you never know how long one will take
Prasanna P. |
ok got it
Mark M. |
Canceling a background thread is sometimes difficult
Mark M. |
Unless the download is huge, I'd just let it run to completion, but that's just me
Mark M. |
if the onDestroy() is due to a screen rotation,
though, you will want to pass the AsyncTask to the new instance via
Mark M. |
see the RotationAsync pattern I have in _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_
Mark M. |
I think that's covered now at the end of the threading chapter
Mark M. |
or possibly the end of the rotation chapter
Prasanna P. |
yes ... was looking at that ...
Prasanna P. |
In RotationAsync example, in the
onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() method, task.detach(); is called.
What if the task has completed when the rotation is happening … will
this cause an error since the task (background thread) is not longer
Mark M. |
not possible
Mark M. |
onPostExecute() will not be called until after onCreate() of the new activity
Nov 2 | 3:40 PM |
Mark M. |
so long as you do not attempt to access the activity from doInBackground(), you're OK
Prasanna P. |
trying to follow you ....
Mark M. |
once onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() is called,
no messages will be processed off the main application thread's message
queue until after onCreate() is called on the new activity instance
Mark M. |
so, you detach the AsyncTask in onRetain...() and you attach it onCreate() of the new instance
Mark M. |
during that time, onPostExecute() will not be called, because that is triggered via a message on the message queue
Mark M. |
hence, even though the background thread itself may end, onPostExecute() will not be called
Mark M. |
until you have reattached via onCreate(), that is
Prasanna P. |
oh ok
Mark M. |
Julius: did you have another question?
Julius |
Julius |
Is there a smart way (in terms of layouts) to make
tutorial screens? For example the first time you start an application,
sometimes there are a few screens with "Next" buttons. The idea is that
you press Next to go from one screen to another.
Mark M. |
you mean a wizard?
Nov 2 | 3:45 PM |
Julius |
Mark M. |
for a wizard, I'd either use FrameLayout or ViewFlipper, above the Next/Prev buttons
Mark M. |
each button would adjust the contents of the ViewFlipper as appropriate
Mark M. |
when you get to the end, Next becomes Finish and moves on to the next activity, finish()ing the current one
Julius |
ah ok I'm not familiar with FrmaLayout or ViewFlipper - I'll check it out
Julius |
thank you
Mark M. |
Prasanna: do you have another question
Mark M. |
Prasanna P. |
Prasanna P. |
so let's day you are not downloading anything huge in the background thread ...
Prasanna P. |
and you are not canceling it in the onDestroy of the UI thread ...
Prasanna P. |
what happens to it after it is complete?
Prasanna P. |
ie what happens to the background thread
Mark M. |
it's part of a thread pool managed by Android
Prasanna P. |
will it be garbage collected?
Mark M. |
you do not have to worry about the AsyncTask threads
Mark M. |
Android handles all of that for you
Mark M. |
in fact, that's one of the main benefits of AsyncTask
Nov 2 | 3:50 PM |
Prasanna P. |
got it. Thanks
Prasanna P. |
heading out Mark. As always thanks a lot for your help!
Mark M. |
see ya!
Mark M. |
Julius: any more questions?
Julius |
:) well if you don't mind...
Julius |
Regarding the orientation changes - if I have an
activity which is not dependent on the orientation (or configuration) is
there anything wrong with using '
android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" ' in the description
of the Activity in the Manifest?
Julius |
it seems to stop onDestroy / onCreate from occurring
Mark M. |
well, that depends on who you ask
Mark M. |
oh, it does
Mark M. |
Google would really really really prefer you not use it except in specialized cases
Mark M. |
for example, your camera activity is a good one for that pattern
Julius |
oh ok.. <blush>
Mark M. |
however, for garden-variety activities, they would rather you use onSaveInstanceState(), because that is applied in other case
Mark M. |
er, cases
Mark M. |
for example, if you get kicked out of RAM but are
still part of an active task, onSaveInstanceState() allows the user to
BACK-button their way back to you, and your activity will be recreated
with your state
Julius |
what are the benefits of using saving state, destroying everything and creating it all again?
Mark M. |
looks to the user (more ore less) like you have never been gone
Mark M. |
there are also a continuing series of configuration changes, like the new car dock and desk dock configurations
Mark M. |
unless you are going to commit to ignoring all of
those, you will still need
Mark M. |
and, Google is nervous that you'll forget about necessary changes (e.g., locale changes needing your new string resources)
Nov 2 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. |
onSaveInstanceState() is a Volvo, android:configChanges is a convertible
Julius |
I'm not sure I understand... if I put the phone in the dock say - how would that affect my application?
Julius |
Mark M. |
your activity will be destroyed and recreated
Mark M. |
it's a configuration change
Julius |
Mark M. |
orientation, language, car dock, desk dock -- all configuration changes
Julius |
so basically I need to store any important info and pass it back
Julius |
how do you mean with language?
Julius |
Mark M. |
user is working with your app, presses HOME, goes to Settings, changes their locale, long-presses HOME, returns to your app
Julius |
oh I see
Julius |
Mark M. |
your activity will be destroyed and recreated so you pick up the new string resources
Julius |
so I have set up my languages correctly
Mark M. |
admittedly, that's an unlikely csae
Mark M. |
er, case
Julius |
which is al good in the app but the user won't see the changes
Mark M. |
Julius |
until restarting the activity
Mark M. |
now, you could do android:configChanges and simply reload all of your string resources in onConfigurationChanged()
Mark M. |
Google is worrying that you'll miss some
Julius |
currently I have to admit I've been a little slack in this area
Julius |
I guess I've taken the easy route
Julius |
btw I have to thank you for at some point writing soewhere one should look at AsyncTask. It's the best thing since sliced bread
Mark M. |
AsyncTask is very cool for things that should end in a reasonable period of time
Mark M. |
wouldn't use one to maintain a chat connection, where we have no idea when the user will end the chat
Julius |
yeah oh and the Wakeful service
Julius |
that's brilliant
Nov 2 | 4:00 PM |
Julius |
I've used that with a couple of Alarms
Mark M. |
both represent places where we're building higher-level components on top of underpinnings
Prasanna P. | has left the room |
Julius |
for updating something once a day or every 5 mins
Mark M. |
AsyncTask started from some code Romain Guy wrote for his Shelves sample app, and got moved into the framework
Julius |
wow I dont' know what I'd do without it
Julius |
he seems like a nice chap
Mark M. |
Romain is extremely talented
Julius |
I was hoping he'd be at the google event in
Sydney, but alas no (I was going to see if I could get him over to the
android group in Auckland)
Mark M. |
yeah, those sorts of events are mostly covered by the developer evangelists, like Tim Bray and Roman Nurik
Julius |
o I had another question
Mark M. |
go ahead -- you're the only one here right now
Julius |
I often need to get a location quickly and the
location is by nature always out of date. I seem to have trouble with
this. I have a situation where I need to change the frequency of
location updates.
Julius |
I'd like to show you what I'm doing and see if there's any way I could either get the location more quickly.
Mark M. |
um, ok
Mark M. |
not sure what can really be done
Nov 2 | 4:05 PM |
Mark M. |
you might consider using or a
similar code paste site, and putting the link here, if you want to share
significant code
Julius |
View paste
Julius |
hopefully not too much
Julius |
then to stop:
Julius |
View paste
Mark M. |
well, I don't see anything particularly wrong with what you have
Mark M. |
what specifically is your concern?
Julius |
The location seems to be incorrect from time to time and it sorta needs to be up to date...
Julius |
but I dont' want the GPS on all the time
Mark M. |
um, not sure what you can do about that
Kevin M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
it takes a while just to start getting GPS fixes
Kevin M. |
Julius |
no problem at least it looks right thank you
Mark M. |
unless your app will be on for a few hours, you may be better off just leaving GPS on
Mark M. |
howdy, Kevin!
Kevin M. |
Julius |
thank you
Julius |
Mark M. |
Kevin: do you have a question?
Nov 2 | 4:10 PM |
Julius | has left the room |
Kevin M. |
What's the best way to handle a service if you want to send it messages and you don't want the service to die until it's done?
Mark M. |
use an IntentService
Mark M. |
perhaps also use startForeground(), like the Android Market does to indicate it is downloading
Kevin M. |
Can I keep sending it info while it's running?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
IntentService queues up the Intents you send it via startService()
Mark M. |
processes them one at a time on a background thread
Mark M. |
automatically shuts down when the queue is empty
Kevin M. |
Ah, I thought I had to bind to the service
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
IntentService works great with the command pattenr
Mark M. |
er, pattern
Mark M. |
stuff your data in Intent extras and shoot it over via startService()
Kevin M. |
Kevin M. |
We talked last week about an Activity's lifecycle and different parameters
Kevin M. |
I'm still not that sure about how to set up an activity
Kevin M. |
I found out that pressing the recent menu item always goes to the first activity
Nov 2 | 4:15 PM |
Kevin M. |
There's the singleTop and SingleTask types
Mark M. |
yeah, I haven't played with the recent menu much
Kevin M. |
Right now, I have to keep track of the current activity in the application object
Kevin M. |
Then go to it when the main activity gets called
Mark M. |
seems like that should not be needed, but I have no concrete advice on how to avoid it
Kevin M. |
Is there are general rule about activity settings?
Mark M. |
I am not sure what you mean
Kevin M. |
I current have the main activity set as a
SingleTask, other activities in between don't have anything and the top
activity is a singletop
Nov 2 | 4:20 PM |
Mark M. |
Google doesn't recommend the use of singleTask very much
Kevin M. |
My purpose is to make sure that when the user returns to the app, the same activity is shown
Kevin M. |
It seems in 2.2 that Android kills off regular activities really quickly
Mark M. |
personally, I'd just let the recent activities do whatever it does
Mark M. |
stuff like singleTask are for fairly specialized activities, like search activities
Kevin M. |
Not a very good experience. Usually it takes you back to the main screen
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
Gmail returns you to the activity you were on
Kevin M. |
Maybe it's the singleTask setting
Nov 2 | 4:25 PM |
Mark M. |
mixed bag: Contacts doesn't remember
Mark M. |
what I'd do is find an app that behaves the way you want, and try to mimic its settings
Mark M. |
Gmail, of course, is not open source, so that's not a good example
Kevin M. |
How about listview selection colors? I tried doing this and haven't got it to work
Mark M. |
what about ListView selection colors?
Kevin M. |
Didn't you do this in your book? I tried following an example and couldn't get it to work
Mark M. |
there are examples of playing around with ListView selection, yes
Mark M. |
in the Advanced Android book
Nov 2 | 4:30 PM |
Kevin M. |
I copied over the resources
Kevin M. |
and changed the images
Mark M. |
um, the chat is about over
Mark M. |
can we pick this up another time?
Kevin M. |
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
Kevin M. | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |