Office Hours — Today, October 7

Tuesday, October 5

Oct 7
9:50 AM
Mark M.
has entered the room
9:55 AM
Mark M.
turned on guest access
10:00 AM
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, icecreamman!
hello. i just received my subscription this morning via email from you in fact
Mark M.
I think I commented on one of your SO questions this morning as well, though I forget which one
regardless, how can I help you?
ah, yep. thats why i am here. i didn't see that anyone had responded yet. it is just been very frustrating trying to learn these things without guidance.
i will run through your example in the link and see if it works out better
now i also have all of these great pdf resources to hopefully help my understanding
Mark M.
ah, yes, that question
it's sure not obvious where your code as listed is going wrong
(for the purposes of the transcript, the question is…)
10:05 AM
Mark M.
are you trying this in the emulator or a device?
this is all emulator
build 2.2 i believe
Mark M.
well, the Maps/NooYawk sample definitely works there
anything unusual about your icon?
nope, its the one straight from the tutorial. the only thing that i thought was weird is i have no explicity 'drawable' folder - there exist drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi, etc... but the icon does show up under my generated resources file, and it does appear if i don't pass a context to the itemizedoverlay constructer
its just very weird
Mark M.
make a res/drawable/ directory and put it in there
ha, funny thing is, i already tried that to no avail :(
Mark M.
I don't understand the "it does appear if i don't pass a context to the itemizedoverlay constructer" part
you aren't using that parameter anywhere, at least in the code you have in the SO question
well, except in the Dialog constructor, which won't be triggered until after the icon is displayed
10:10 AM
gotcha. so midway through the MapActivity i have the following line:
View paste
        HelloItemizedOverlay itemizedoverlay = new HelloItemizedOverlay(drawable, this);
and i believe 'this' is the context of the application?
Mark M.
'this' is the Activity
in Java, it refers to the current object
akin to self in Ruby
or self in Smalltalk
ahh. duh. so i *believe* that the ItemizedOverlay requires a reference to the entire context (this is like a process id if we are talking about threads, no?).
so by passing it the activity, i am doing something incorrect...?
Mark M.
ItemizedOverlay itself does not
Context is a superclass of Activity
and it has nothing much to do with process IDs
in your HelloItemizedOverlay implementation, you are:
1. accepting the Context as a parameter in the constructor
2. storing that in a data member of your HelloItemizedOverlay
3. using it in the constructor of your AlertDialog.Builder
all of that is fine, but I can't quite see how that would impact whether the icon is visible
10:15 AM
Mark M.
I'm going to take a guess that you're new to Java as well as Android?
yes, sadly.
Mark M.
that's OK
however, you may want to spend a bit of time playing with Java outside of Android first
Android is plenty weird on its own :-)
has entered the room
Mark M.
here is a blog post with a list of the topics of importance in Java for Android developers:…
welcome, dhaupert!
Hi Mark, thanks for having this and for the great helpful book!
Mark M.
icecreamman: regardless, try the Maps/NooYawk sample app, see if it runs for you
ah thank you. well i am going to spend the next while scouring all of resources. the sample app seems to be more extensive, so that should be a good starting point. have a great day
has left the room
Mark M.
dhaupert: how can I help you today?
I have been struggling with the android:launchMode options, which aren't really covered in the book and the description Google provides sent me in the wrong direction.
Mark M.
yeah, someday I'll add an chapter on manifest tricks to the Advanced Android book
soooooooooo much needs to be written...
My app has a hierarchy of activities such that if Android decides to kill one of them, the rest are pretty much of no use
10:20 AM
I was hoping for a mode where I could say 'if you have to kill any activity, kill the whole task'. But I don't see that being possible.
Mark M.
no, Android is designed around lots of independent activities
key here being "independent"
if they are so tightly coupled that they should live and die as a whole, make them a single activity
think of it as a "UI transaction", if you will
or, come up with a model to make them be more independent
so have a single activity but change the content view around
Mark M.
yes, or use a ViewFlipper, whichever fits better
I will check into ViewFlippers- never heard of that.
Mark M.
think of it as being like TabHost, minus the tabs
or like a CardLayout in Swing
several children, only one of which is visible at a time
also supports animations on transitioning between children
and a few other fun features to boot
That sounds like exactly what I needed.
10:25 AM
(trying to remember what my other question was!)..
Mark M.
take your time -- nobody else here at the moment
Just looking at viewflipper and it doesn't seem like you can control which view to show- more like a load and forget type of animation.
Mark M.
methods on the superclass
Mark M.
it's possible you could just use a ViewAnimator -- I had been thinking that was abstract, but it looks like it's not
Of course at this point I have the app just about done so it would involve converting a lot of screens from being activities.
How does the concept of View translate over from what was already an activity?
Mark M.
in your case, the simplest thing to do is probably:
Step #1: create a new activity that will represent the combined UI
Step #2: give it a layout file that is just a full-screen ViewFlipper
Step #3: In onCreate(), call addView(getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.something)) on the ViewFlipper, for each of the layouts from your independent activities
10:30 AM
Mark M.
Step #3a: you may need to change some of the widget IDs in those layouts, if you used the same names
(I try not to)
Mark M.
Step #4: Copy over the guts of the other activities into the new one
e.g. event handlers, other lifecycle methods
Step #5: update your manifest to have the new activity be the LAUNCHER one
Step #6: test, test, test
Step #7: nuke the old activities
you could combine all the layouts into one
or you could use <include> in the new activity's layout to avoid the addView() calls
so I couldn't keep each of the former activities as some sort of separate class? It would get kind of messy having them all in the same class
Ciaran H.
has entered the room
Mark M.
if the code is that tightly coupled, I'd argue the implementation should be in one spot
(btw, howdy, Ciaran H!)
Frank S.
has entered the room
Mark M.
however, you could try some sort of lifecycle method dispatch mechanism
know which child is alive and route onStop() and etc. to the right one, or to all children, as appropriate
(btw, howdy, Frank S!)
Frank S.
hi mark
Mark M.
dhaupert: so, there is definitely a cost to combining them
Ciaran H.
Howdy Mark!
Mark M.
let me take some questions from the newcomers, and I'll swing back to you if you have a follow-up question in a bit
Ciaran: do you have a question?
yeah, thinking of a class variable that points to the active view. Seems like there are tradeoffs to doing it, but definitely worth the investment of some experimentation. I don't have the option of a re-design as there are project requirements to match the flow of an iPhone app which is very hierarchy based.
10:35 AM
Ciaran H.
I am designing a custom graphing widget. my question is would it be best to have a view for the graph itself and a surface view on top of that to do the graphing?
Mark M.
what do you mean by "the graph itself"?
I don't know the difference between that and "do the graphing"
Ciaran H.
I want it to graph accelerometer data
i already have an activity that does it i just want make a widget so i can have multiple instances of it and use it for various applications
like a button
Mark M.
that's all fine
but I don't understand the difference between "the graph itself" and "do the graphing", and why those would be separate things
Ciaran H.
oh ok
Mark M.
in your activity, how do you "do the graphing" today?
Ciaran H.
i mean i know the x and y of the graph are static so i dont need to redraw them everytime
so that would be a view and the surface view will do the plotting
i have a seperate thread that does the on draw
i guess the standard way to draw with a surface view
10:40 AM
Mark M.
yeah, I don't think games, for example, are sticking fixed pixels on one layer and relying on alpha compositing to combine them
I suspect that is slower than just drawing it yourself
so, I'd just make your reusable widget either a subclass of SurfaceView or something that holds a SurfaceView
Ciaran H.
ok thats what i have so far
i have it extending surface view
Mark M.
(not even sure if you need it to be a SurfaceView -- I thought you could just draw on a Canvas supplied to onDraw() of a regular View, but, again, 2D graphics is not my area of expertise)
Ciaran H.
yeah i tried just a canvas but it wipes clean after every draw
the surface view saves state
Mark M.
:: shrug ::
like I said, not my area of expertise
Ciaran H.
ok thank you anyway
Mark M.
Frank: got a question?
Frank S.
if I'm collecting real time data
"real time"
would you say write it to a file and flush the file to a database
or the database is fast enough todo an insert for every new data point
Mark M.
transactions on the database will be your bottleneck
as will doing the flush to the file
I'd batch them up in RAM and write a bunch of entries at once, if you can
10:45 AM
Mark M.
if you have to do it one at a time, writing to the file and flushing the file to disk, then converting it into the database after the collection period is over, is probably fastest
Frank S.
OK Cool. We are able to buffer those values in RAM
and then flush RAM to file
and then when the time is right, insert the file into the db
thanks for the advice
Mark M.
if you can buffer, it may be you can go straight to the DB -- you're effectively amortizing the transaction overhead
but, there is less overhead for a simple file write
Ciaran H.
yeah there is a buffered writer
Mark M.
since there's no transaction log, rollback capability, etc.
Frank S.
yeah. It's a cloud database so I'm not totally worried about the integrity of the data
Mark M.
flat file is probably the simplest and fastest, then
swinging back around...
dhaupert: got another question?
Frank S.
Will do. I'll start with that piece first. Thanks mark
10:50 AM
Thanks Mark, still trying to think through the logistics of the viewflipper stuff. Feel free to go back to the others for now..
Mark M.
Ciaran: got another question?
Ciaran H.
I believe I am good till Tuesday.. Tahnks again
Mark M.
Frank: got another question?
Frank S.
How much notice do you need to get the waresubscriptions for the students taking the mobile programming course at FSU?
Mark M.
not much
Frank S.
We are 100% teaching it in the spring and applied to get an actual course listing
Mark M.
once the course listing is in your catalog, shoot it my way for verification
then, once enrollment is closed (or close to closed) for the semester, give me a headcount, and I can generate the coupons
Frank S.
ok. I believe we are capping the class at 30. I will look it up in the registery now
Mark M.
I'd like a couple of days at least before class begins, just in case I am traveling and have infrequent Internet access
Frank S.
will do
10:55 AM
Thinking through this ViewFlipper stuff- thinking of using an arraylist as kind of a pseudo view stack, where I would keep the class references in the array and can push and pop by adding to or removing from the array. Then for each activity lifecycle function, I'd just pass that onto the top item in the array. Then I can keep all of my code separate. Does that seem sound to you?
Mark M.
even simpler: use setTag() and getTag() for the children of ViewFlipper
setTag() to associate your quasi-activity with the child
getTag() to get it back later
you can then use getDisplayedChild().getTag() to get at the object
a Tag can ben pretty much anything, right? Even a pointer to a class
Mark M.
any Object
that way, you don't have to worry about your array getting out of sync
good idea!
Appreciate your help Mark. Thanks again.
Mark M.
any last questions from anyone?
11:00 AM
Ciaran H.
no sir talk to you Tuesday
Mark M.
yes, two more chats scheduled for next week
Ciaran H.
has left the room
Mark M.
have a pleasant weekend, all!
has left the room
Frank S.
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Tuesday, October 5


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Ciaran Hannigan
  • dhaupert
  • Frank Sposaro
  • icecreamman
  • Mark Murphy