Office Hours — Today, August 3

Thursday, July 22

Aug 3
9:55 AM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
10:00 AM
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, Paul!
10:05 AM
Mark M.
how can I help you?
Hi Mark.... Im a first time chatter
I have a problem in trying to refresh a ListView after changes Preferences in a Menu
Mark M.
what sort of adapter are you using? and where is the data for that adapter coming from?
The challenge is getting the system to return back to the calling function so that I can get issue the adapter invalidate commands
(I suppose this is going to become a cut and paste situation)
Adapter is a database cursor and the data comes from sqlite3
The function basically allows the user to change a view filter
Mark M.
"view filter"?
so that they can see all items or only a subset
Mark M.
are you changing the database query in response to the preference change?
Yes, see all records, see all completed records
Yes, thats it
Mark M.
easiest thing to do is to associate a new adapter with the ListView, then
you'll see where I do that in Android Programming Tutorials, Tutorial #12
OK... I will have a look at chapter 12
Mark M.
there, I have a PreferenceActivity that lets the user choose a sort order
I use a preference-change listener to find out when they modify the setting
10:10 AM
I really like your books... they really helped and I dont think there is any other resource like them available..
Thank you so much for your help.
Mark M.
there are lots of other books, though the whole set you get for the Warescription is tough to beat
happy to help!
has left the room
Marc T.
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, Marc T.!
Marc T.
hi mark one's here yet
Mark M.
actually, Paul just left
how can I help you?
Marc T.
ah..ok..just one question, very basic..i use it most of the time but i dont really understand it
basically the difference between android:gravity and android:layout_gravity
Mark M.
android:gravity controls the placement of things inside a widget
10:15 AM
Mark M.
for example, where text goes in a multi-line EditText
10:15 AM
Mark M.
android:layout_gravity is an instruction to the widget's container saying where the widget would like to be placed within that container
layout_gravity is mostly used with LinearLayout -- you have better placement options with RelativeLayout, for example
Marc T.
ah, hmm, so lets say i have a linear layout with gravity=center and inside i have a textview with layout_gravity=top
which one takes effect?
Mark M.
beats me
Personally, I'd try to avoid situations like that
Marc T.
normally, where would you suggest to put the layout, on the container or on the widget itself?
Mark M.
"to put the layout"?
Marc T.
i mean, would you put gravity on linear layout, or put layout_gravity on the widget inside the linear layout
Mark M.
I tend to use RelativeLayout
of your two, though, I would probably go with layout_gravity on the widget
Marc T.
10:20 AM
Marc T.
btw, i missed your visit here in singapore..did you do any android-related session?
Mark M.
CodeAndroid hosted a "chillout session" sort of meetup on Monday
Marc T.
oh..right..tsk tsk..missed that one
Mark M.
I'll be in the KL area in a couple of weeks, but I don't know if there is an Android group there
Marc T.
i think there's a CodeAndroid malaysia
you can contact zi yong as well
10:25 AM
Marc T.
any plans going to the philippines? the GTUG there is quite active and can help organize
Mark M.
I go where the training takes me, and I have had no training requests from the Philippines
Marc T.
ah..i see
10:30 AM
Mark M.
I have sent an email to to see if there is anything I can do to help them while I am in Petaling Jaya
Marc T.
10:55 AM
Mark M.
the chat period is coming to a close -- any questions?
Marc T.
no more questions..just waiting for others to come in
thanks mark
Mark M.
yeah, well, these chats sometimes draw a crowd, and sometimes they do not
have a pleasant day (or night, in your case)!
Marc T.
yeah..till the next campfire..thanks again
Marc T.
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Thursday, July 22


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Marc Tan
  • Mark Murphy
  • Paul