Office Hours — Today, October 31

Thursday, October 29

Oct 31
3:50 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
4:20 PM
has entered the room
4:25 PM
Mark M.
whoops -- hello, Kai!
sorry if there was a delay there
how can I help you today?
With Java, I was wondering what the proper way(s) to include a self made library is.
Mark M.
is the library a module in the same project as the app? or is it in a separate project?
It is in a separate (git) project.
Why would you put it in the same app? Wouldn't that kinda defeat the idea of a library?
I mean same project.
Mark M.
mostly, I wasn't certain how you wanted to define "library" -- multi-module projects are popular nowadays
It's more common functionality that can be used by several apps.
Mark M.
getting back to your question: is this a team app project, or is it just you as the developer?
Like a file system wrapper etc.
I am the team :D
4:30 PM
Mark M.
um, in that case, if you wanted to cheat and just copy the JAR or AAR output from the library into libs/ and go with the new-project-standard Gradle line for pulling in such libraries, you could
That doesn't sound very automatic.
And it sounds like the library must be developed quite independently from the rest, which atm it is not.
Mark M.
well... the only automatic option would be for the library to be a module in the same project as the app :-)
So there is no good "local" way to do it? (non-local being to pull it in from a nexus or something)
Mark M.
well, the next step up in sophistication would be to publish the library to mavenLocal(), and to have the app(s) pull it from there
now, it's "push" vs. "pull", so for a single app it's equivalent work, but for N apps it is a bit more automatic
Currently I have it done that way I think, with an include in settings.gradle that points to a relative directory.
Mark M.
that works too
(assuming you mean what I think you mean)
neither of those solutions works great beyond a solo developer
once you get into a team, you'll want a shared artifact repo, somewhere all team members can reach
View paste
include somelibrary
projec(':somelibrary').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../library_directory/lib')
And I guess that is the proper solution as well.
Mark M.
that's closer to my first recommendation, though a bit more automatic
publishing to mavenLocal() allows/requires you to use Maven-style versioning
4:35 PM
Mark M.
unless the apps are being updated in lock-step, versioning is important
Which would in turn allow for certain versions of the lib to be referenced, right?
Mark M.
so, App A could pull in 1.0.0 of the library, App B could pull in 1.0.1, and Apps C through Z could pull in 0.0.1-dev01
or whatever
That sounds very nice.
Mark M.
when you "ship" a new version of the library, you would increment the version information in Gradle, then run a Gradle task to put the artifact in your repository (mavenLocal() being one that is just on your own hard drive)
And then the app can pull in the new version :)
Mark M.
right -- your apps would include mavenLocal() in their repository list, then use standard Gradle lines (implementation "") no different than stuff you get from Maven Central, JCenter, Google's artifact repo, etc.
I wish we already had that, that would have spared me some trouble in the past.
4:40 PM
Currently we have 4 apps and some are on androidx and some aren't, which is a probem I am yet to tackle :)
Mark M.
yeah, I think we were discussing that recent
er, recently
(and because using androidx is an "all or nothing" thing I kinda have to use an old version or switch or something).
Mark M.
another advantage of the mavenLocal() approach is that you also publish a POM file with the "transitive" dependencies that the library needs
that POM is versioned along with the artifact, so when the apps depend on an artifact version, they also pull in the transitive dependencies for that version
So it's version stable, pretty much.
Mark M.
What if I pull in another version of the same library in the app?
Mark M.
standard Gradle dependency version resolution rules apply, no different than with two libraries from Maven Central, etc.
I'd have a question about ConstraintLayout too.
Mark M.
other than the fact that mavenLocal() is on your hard drive, it's a Maven-style repository the same as any other, and gets treated by Gradle the same as any other
That sounds very nice.
Mark M.
if you get teammates someday, you would revise the library Gradle script to publish to a common repository, and tweak the apps to pull from there
4:45 PM
Mark M.
for my current main customer, we're using Amazon S3 for hosting a repo, so it is reachable by all team members, the CI server, etc.
Couldn't I push to both local and online, the second option being manually?
Mark M.
you could, but usually it is better to have one "system of record" for the artifacts
One source of truth
Mark M.
About ConstraintLayout: I wanted to have several textviews with a button below them and failed to "group" them. Each TextView + Button should be like one item and the items equally spread out over the whole height. How would I do that?
Mark M.
the most straightforward approach would be to wrap each TextView+Button in something (e.g., a LinearLayout), then use the ConstraintLayout to set up a chain of those somethings
Ok. I thought so, but didn't want to use LinearLayout, as I was so set on using _just_ ConstraintLayout without any nesting.
4:50 PM
Mark M.
the inner containers could be LinearLayout or ConstraintLayout
I felt it would kinda defeat the purpose of using a ConstraintLayout to begin with
Mark M.
well, not all layout rules can be expressed directly in ConstraintLayout "language"
Hm. So I do have to nest to some degree? I felt like one of the strenghts of ConstraintLayout was pretty much "no nesting".
(or very little, I guess).
Mark M.
well, I suppose it depends on your "equally spread out" requirement
suppose you have 4 pairs of these things
are you saying that the 8 widgets are equally spread out?
No, the 4 pairs.
Mark M.
right, yeah, I don't think that can be expressed directly in ConstraintLayout language
Ok. Good to know.
I thought I was stupid and didn't see the solution :D
Mark M.
if you were very certain that you had enough screen space, you might be able to fake it by having a chain of the TextViews, leaving the Buttons out of the chain and just having them "hang" below their respective TextView
but I don't know if that will wind up giving you the desired overall spacing, and you will get overlapping widgets if the screen is too short for the content
And it would mean more space before the first group than after the last
Or some (non-relative?) offset.
Mark M.
probably, yes
if the widgets weren't paired this way, you would have just a single chain
4:55 PM
Mark M.
and I don't know of a way to tell ConstraintLayout "OK, it looks like these are in one big chain, but really it's 4 pairs"
or "OK, treat these pairs as mini-chains, and then chain those four mini-chains together"
I can't rule out that there is some trickeration with ConstraintLayout to pull it off
but I don't know of any
Yes, it's either chain all the way or not at all, it seems.
Mark M.
ConstraintLayout is powerful; it is not all-powerful
"The all powerfull ConstraintLayout"
5:00 PM
Mark M.
we're running out of chat time -- any last questions?
None that would be solved in that little time
I guess.
Mark M.
OK, well, if you need answers for those, try "42" or "Abraham Lincoln" -- they're probably not the right answers, but they're worth trying :-)
42 is used quite often by me
And "because"
Though I have trouble acception the last one.
"Why is Android Programming so hard?"
And "Is it me or (Android) programming?" ;-)
Mark M.
I'd go with "Abraham Lincoln" for both of those
OK, that's a wrap for the chat -- next one is Tuesday at 8:30am US Eastern
Have a good time rest of the weekend.
Mark M.
you too!
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Thursday, October 29


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Kai
  • Mark Murphy

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