Office Hours — Today, February 25

Saturday, February 22

Feb 25
8:20 AM
Mark M.
has entered the room
8:25 AM
Mark M.
turned on guest access
8:45 AM
has entered the room
Hi Mark, how are you?
Mark M.
hello, Leora! I'm doing fine -- and you?
Ok, just bewildered as usual hahaha
Mark M.
welcome to the world of Android app development! :-)
I've been in it 6 years and still bewildered
2 questions
Mark M.
fire away!
First one, if there is a way to save fragments...without viewpager, since viewpager2 which I wasted a day implementing with it's spiffy toolbar...cannot disable the transition animation
Mark M.
what do you mean by "save fragments"?
8:50 AM
I mean, my boss (also the developer of the iphone version) doesn't like the flicker that can be seen the first one or 2 times clicking on the tab for that fragment
it takes a while to populate the recyclerview grid
a while meaning a split second, but it is noticable
Mark M.
are you caching the data that is used to populate the RecyclerView?
he claims in iphone you can pre-load
i am caching the images loaded into the cards using glide
Mark M.
how about the model data that you use for the RecyclerView.Adapter?
i don't think i am
it 'settles' after the third click on the same tab...but first 2 are jolty
Mark M.
you can tell ViewPager to be more aggressive about caching pages via setOffscreenPageLimit():
(that link didn't go to the method -- Campfire's URL parsing rules need work...)
i did that...but viewpager 2 can only disable user swipe
transitions from page 5 back to one is awful
oh hahaha
Mark M.
oh, sorry, I misread your earlier comment and though you were using ViewPager instead of ViewPager2
no, i posted this last week
8:55 AM
but since then realized the class is final anywayz
Mark M.
I have not used ViewPager2 yet, so I don't have any recommendations on that
so i removed the viewpager
Mark M.
(though ViewPager2 also has setOffscreenPageLimit() FWIW)
any way to cache the fragments without ft.add() and hide()/show()?
Mark M.
there is the attach()/detach() pair as well
yes it caches nicely. but i can't disable the animation page transitions
Mark M.
though I think those will force you to regenerate your views
i think so too
Mark M.
in terms of disabling the animation page transitions, will setPageTransformer(null) do that? or perhaps setPageTransformer(someTransformerThatDoesNothing)?
hmmm i dunno. i threw it out
what about when you asked if i cache the model data for the RecyclerView.Adapter
how would i do that?
Mark M.
that would depend a bit on your architecture, where the data is coming from, etc.
for example, if you are using the Arch Components ViewModel, you might have an activity-level ViewModel that can load and cache the data
9:00 AM
Mark M.
that way, even if the fragment gets recreated, it can get the cached data from that activity-level ViewModel (e.g., by activityViewModels() in Kotlin)
or, perhaps add caching in your repository layer, if you have one
if your fragment is hitting a database or network API directly... then you would need to add a viewmodel or repository that can handle the caching
i don't think retrieving the list of max 12 items is the problem though....would it?
Mark M.
where is the list coming from? a server? a local database? something else?
or is it the retrieving/renderring the images?
no network. the lists are pre-defined
Mark M.
pre-defined, meaning they are hard-coded in the app code?
it's literally Category.getList()
not hard-coded, but defined in onCreate() in Main
Mark M.
so those objects are already around by the time that your fragment is created?
yes they are
Mark M.
OK, that's not going to be a problem then
and i would think glide would cache those images the first time around...not the 3rd
Mark M.
if there is other stuff in the cache, perhaps the LRU algorithm is getting confused
you might want to check your Glide memory cache settings and see if they need tweaking:
ok i'll look
9:05 AM
is there any way to pre-cache all fragments images before the fragment is loaded?
Mark M.
Glide has a pre-load API
but then it will still be new fragment.replace?
or create all fragments at once and then show/hide?
Mark M.
that's up to you
(BTW, use preload() with Glide to load the image into the memory cache, or downloadOnly() to download it just to the disk cache)
then what's the default?
Mark M.
"what's the default" for what?
when you don't specify glide options -
isn't that loading into memory cache?
Mark M.
yes, but you asked "is there any way to pre-cache all fragments images before the fragment is loaded?"
if you are relying on load() to populate the memory cache, at that point you are displaying the image in an ImageView (or whatever)
so, for example, suppose you wanted to preload the images in Glide back where you define these objects for Category.getList()
you don't have an ImageView there for those images
so, you use preload() to get Glide to download the images and load them into the memory cache
9:10 AM
Mark M.
so, the next time you call load(), if those images are still in cache, they are used from the cache
oh! this sounds promissing!
by golly, i think that' it
thanks so much Mark
Mark M.
frequently, we do not know the image URLs in advance, so preload() is not an option -- in your case, probably it is an option
you're welcome!
yes it seems like it is!
ok, shall we move on to preferences, settings, or whatever android makes us call them now?
Mark M.
ok, in my main flavor I have base preferences xml. then in my say, other flavors, i add to the prefs
up to here, all is good
i want the flavor options to merge with the base categories...doesn't work
9:15 AM
more so, android studio tells me i have a duplicate category key :/
9:15 AM
Mark M.
are you getting that at compile time or at runtime?
i can ignore it, but anyway the flavor prefs are separated from the base prefs by a divider line
instead of extending them like i want
Mark M.
are you calling addPreferencesFromResource() twice, once for the base and once for the flavor?
if not, how are you arranging to get both the base and the flavor preferences into your PreferenceFragmentCompat object?
yes, addPreferencesFromResource() is twice
Mark M.
and you have a PreferenceCategory with the same key in both preference XML resources?
9:20 AM
Mark M.
I'm not surprised at the error -- I do not think that the loading mechanism here is that sophisticated
merges are probably beyond the capabilities of the loader
so is there any way to include flavor prefs in the same category as base prefs?
Mark M.
probably manually
what do you mean? duplicate xml?
or is include supported?
(i think not)
Mark M.
I mean making addPreference() calls on the PreferenceCategory to add the extra preferences
I don't think <include> is supported here -- AFAIK, that is just for layouts
ahhhh, i can call the actual preference category by it's key and then add it?
add to it i mean
Mark M.
after loading the base, you should be able to call findPreference(), passing in your key, to get to the PreferenceCategory defined in the base
then, you would call addPreference() to add additional preferences to that
that's a really good idea
Mark M.
I do not know if there is a way to accomplish that by inflating your flavor preference XML though
I cannot rule it out, but I am not seeing an option for that in the API
so you mean, literally code the flavor prefs in
oh gawd
Mark M.
or parse the XML yourself, which is equally "oh gawd"
yessireee indeed
9:25 AM
Mark M.
there is setPreferencesFromResource(), which takes a resource ID and a key, but I think it does a complete replace, based on the docs
what you are trying to do isn't crazy, but I suspect that it is beyond the stock abilities of the preference stuff (both the deprecated framework stuff and AndroidX)
yes, it extended class with addPreferencesFromResource completely overrides the base class setPreferencesFromResource
beyond the usual hahaha
it seems so obvious to be able to do this!
Mark M.
well, in fairness, while what you are trying to do isn't crazy, I will argue that it *is* a bit of an edge case
i argue it is not sir! :)
well thanks for the discussion
Mark M.
sorry that I didn't have a better option for you for that one
as usual it was both enlightening (you), comforting (you), and frustrating (android)
Mark M.
I try to be useful!
9:30 AM
Mark M.
that's all for today's office hours chat
listen, i made it to the android dev summit in october, and was shocked that the android api devs themselves didn't have answers to several questions i asked them directly!
thanks so much, take care!
Mark M.
the next chat is Thursday at 7:30pm US Eastern, and the next 8:30am chat is 5 March
have a pleasant day!
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Saturday, February 22


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Leora
  • Mark Murphy