Office Hours — Today, February 1

Tuesday, January 30

Feb 1
3:55 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
Steve S.
has entered the room
Mark M.
hello, Steve!
how can I help you today?
Steve S.
Hi Mark!
4:00 PM
Steve S.
My app has a terms of service in a WebView, however I've been noticing various issues in Crashlytics
Mark M.
my impression has been that this comes from devices with a messed up System WebView app
Steve S.
Mark M.
same thing
Steve S.
Is there any workarounds that you know of?
Mark M.
other than to avoid WebView
for example, a terms of service might work just in a TextView, perhaps using Html.fromHtml()
unless you have an awfully fancy terms of service... :-)
Steve S.
Marquees and everything!
Jk ;)
Dave S.
has entered the room
Steve S.
Thanks for the suggestion
I have another question while I'm here, after Dave
Mark M.
hi, Dave!
Dave S.
Hi Mark and Steve. This is my first time here.
Mark M.
it's your turn -- do you have a question?
Dave S.
I have a zillion questions but would rather take today to just get acclimated. Eavesdrop, if you will!
Mark M.
um, OK
if you have a question at some point, chime in to let me know
Dave S.
So go ahead, Steve.
Mark M.
Steve: back to you!
4:05 PM
Dave S.
I will chime in if I need to. Thanks.
Steve S.
We actually wrote a s/o post about it but haven't gotten any responses
About the architecture components lifecycle observers
Mark M.
how are you registering the observer? unregistering is usually handled by the Lifecycle
Steve S.
We add the observer in the constructor of the class
Mark M.
oh, I see
Steve S.
And we don't know if we have to explicitly listen for onDestroy
And remove the observer
Or if it does that automatically
Mark M.
yeah, sorry, I was thinking about LiveData
I don't work with observers directly very much
Steve S.
I noticed the documentation and examples don't really use removeObserver
They only mention adding it
4:10 PM
Mark M.
I don't know what the official rules are, and I'd need to poke through the sources to try to get a bead on what is required
generally, they hold things weakly, and so my guess is that you can get away without unregistering, if the Lifecycle is going out of scope (e.g., the activity is getting destroyed)
Steve S.
Mark M.
so, off the cuff, I don't have a definitive answer for you -- sorry!
Steve S.
Right, that's what I assume, but we've been removing it just in case
That's ok, was just curious if you did :)
Thank you!
I believe that is everything I have, thanks a lot!
Mark M.
you're welcome!
Dave S.
Hey, Mark. Like I said, just dropping in, first time, see what it's like. I have to go to bank and eat a meal before a meeting I have at six. So I'm leaving, too. I'll be back. Thanks for all the times you've helped me, directly and indirectly.
Mark M.
happy to be useful!
tell the bank and meal that I said "hi!" :-)
4:15 PM
Steve S.
has entered the room
Mark M.
hi, Steve S #2!
Steve S.
Hi Mark!
Dave S.
Interestingly, all my life people have referred to me as Steve. So can I be Steve S. #3? Or is Dave better?
But I'm gone anyway!
Mark M.
Steve: how can I help you today!
Dave S.
has left the room
4:20 PM
Steve S.
Which one?
Mark M.
at this point, any Steve can ask a question :-)
Steve S.
Steve Strates, you were here first - do you want to ask first?
Mark M.
the original Steve had indicated that he was done with questions earlier (sorry that you can't scroll backwards in the live chat transcript to see...)
Steve S.
sure, then i'll paste in a question:
I'm working on a master-detail interface that needs to run on both a large-format and a small-format device. I know a common way to implement this is to use fragments. I also know that some people think you should avoid fragments. Is it reasonable for me to implement this using fragments, or is there an alternative I should consider?
Mark M.
a common problem in programming overall, and in Android in particular, is that there are attitude waves
AsyncTask was awesome, then it was horrible
fragments were awesome, then they were horrible
in reality, both were fine, when used correctly
Steve S.
Mark M.
but they weren't the all-singing, all-dancing, magic-bulleting solutions that people originally thought
so, fragments are fine
to put it another way, I'm doing master-detail-y work, and I'm using fragments
Steve S.
great. that's very helpful!
then i'll use fragments. are problems with fragments more likely to arise when you're doing things like nesting them?
Mark M.
I never liked nested fragments
that was due to bugs in early versions
I haven't seen all that many complaints about them in recent years
4:25 PM
Steve S.
i see
Mark M.
so if you need 'em, and can keep track of the right FragmentManager instances to use, give it a whirl
the only use case I ever found compelling for them was fragment -> ViewPager -> fragments as pages
and I've switched to a RecyclerView in lieu of a ViewPager
so I haven't had a use case for nested fragments in a while
Steve S.
sure. what do you mean: "keep track of the right FragmentManager"?
Mark M.
a fragment working with nested fragments should use getChildFragmentManager()
for any transactions related to those nested fragments
Steve S.
i see. i won't be using nested fragments, so that shouldn't be an issue for my use case
Mark M.
so, for example, in my fragment -> ViewPager -> fragments as pages scenario, you would use the FragmentManager returned by getChildFragmentManager() with your FragmentPagerAdapter
Steve S.
i don't have any more questions today
Mark M.
Steve S.
thanks so much for your expert advice, Mark!
Mark M.
you're very welcome!
Steve S.
have a great rest of the day!
Mark M.
and now I eagerly await the next Steve S to enter the chat, so I can hit the trifecta... :-)
you too!
Steve S.
shouldn't take long...
Steve S.
has left the room
4:30 PM
Steve S.
has left the room
4:55 PM
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Tuesday, January 30


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Dave Slomer
  • Mark Murphy
  • Steve S
  • Steve Strates