Office Hours — Today, February 14

Saturday, February 11

Feb 14
8:55 AM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
9:25 AM
Sean S.
has entered the room
Mark M.
hello, Sean!
how can I help you today?
Sean S.
hi Mark..
9:30 AM
Sean S.
...I've a question related to the SortedFragment example from the RecyclerView chapter of the Busy Coder's Guide.
Mark M.
Sean S.
I note in the example that the SortedFragment instantiates a new IconicAdapter each time OnCreateView is called (following, for ex., an orientation configuration change.
Mark M.
Sean S.
Won't the previously instantiated adapters (and presumably objects referencing them, such as the RecyclerViews) hang around in memory, given that each previous instance will have (being an inner class) an implicit reference to the retained SortedFragment?
Mark M.
I don't think so
the fact that the IconicAdapter has a reference to the fragment does not matter
what would matter is if the fragment had a reference to the IconicAdapter
Sean S.
ah, great...
Mark M.
so, on a configuration change, nothing should have a reference to the old IconicAdapter anymore, so it should get garbage-collected
9:35 AM
Mark M.
briefly, I leak the old adapter, until onViewCreated() is called, as the fragment holds a reference to the most recent adapter
but once that field is pointing to the new adapter, I don't know of any other references to the old adapter
I can't rule out there being one that I am not thinking of
Sean S.
yes, I see, and I also don't see any references to the adapter remaining. I got caught up with the notion that the implicit inner class reference (i.e. an IconicAdapter instance having an implicit reference to the retained Fragment instance that instantiated it) would play a role.
Mark M.
where you get bit by those is when you hold onto the object with the implicit reference, forgetting about the implicit reference itself
9:40 AM
Sean S.
Right, I get it. It is good to get your feedback on this. Your approach has influenced my approach to a current development challenge.
Mark M.
I try to be useful
Sean S.
Thanks. Are you happy to take a general question related to licences and attributions (i.e. listing the licences / Notices / attributions for third party open source that has been built into a project)? No problem if it (the topic) is not suited to this forum.
Mark M.
you can ask, but whether I can help you is another matter :-)
Sean S. is only very general...
9:45 AM
Sean S. many a developer before I am finding it difficult to find a definitive guide as to how I should include information (i.e. the licences, notices etc.) about the third party open source I am baking into my app. Mostly (possibly all) the open source is Apache 2.0. Do you know of anywhere online where the necessary steps are spelt out? Ultimately I'll just have to relent and try reading the actual Apache licence documentation itself.
Mark M.
well, the license itself is not that long, and its documentation IIRC is not that bad
AFAIK, the only time that attribution really comes into play is with a binary distribution (e.g., app distributed via the Play Store)
9:50 AM
Mark M.
there, somewhere, you're supposed to list the open source libraries and their licenses
in one app that I am working on now, I am showing the library by name and showing the copyright notice and the "short form" of the license (basically, the prose that you see at
there are third-party libraries that provide you an "about" activity or dialog that incorporate plugging in this sort of information
in my case, I'm just putting it in HTML (Bootstrap 3) and showing it in a WebView
Sean S.
sure...I have checked out the approach you took..My app will be destined for the Store. I guess I am unclear whether I need to provide attribution for the open source library's dependencies (for ex., I guess I need to track down the libraries something like Retrofit brings into my project as its own dependencies)?
Mark M.
my personal interpretation is "no"
however, IANALNDIPOOTV (I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV)
Sean S.
...interesting....and yes, I fully understand.
Mark M.
in the end, the attribution bit is frequently ignored, on both sides
for example, I really don't care whether anyone provides me with attribution for using my libraries
9:55 AM
Sean S.
Yep, the moment I am hoping to give it a good go (i.e. getting the attributions right), but I probably won't sweat it too much.
Great stuff...this has been a great help. Many thanks Mark.
Mark M.
you are very welcome!
Sean S.
has left the room
10:00 AM
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Saturday, February 11


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Mark Murphy
  • Sean Smith