Office Hours — Today, October 1

Thursday, September 26

Oct 1
3:50 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
4:00 PM
Jeff S.
has entered the room
Mark M.
hello, Jeff
how can I help you today?
Jeff S.
Hi Mark!!
Mark M.
Jeff: do you have a question?
Jeff S.
we are developing a app that you might call keyguard, lock screen, or swipe screen. something that shows when you wake up the device, in front of the security pin/pattern/etc. So far everthing works great...
but we have a case where you press a button to launch the browser, to be seen after you pass the security. it works but is unreliable
For the activity we have set "FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED" flag so that it is shown on top of the lock screen.
Harish k.
has entered the room
Jeff S.
the problem is it works great, maybe 2 or 3 times. but after that, the browser just shows the previous url
Mark M.
(hello, Harish -- I will be with you in a moment!)
Harish k.
Jeff S.
seems that it works fine if we do not have the FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED flag set.
4:05 PM
Jeff S.
we have tried many combinations of intent flags to no avail
any ideas?
Mark M.
not really
I have not done work with FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED
Jeff S.
maybe some idea to reliably get the browsers VIEW intent to work reliably?
Mark M.
what are you using to launch the browser? ACTION_VIEW on a URL
Jeff S.
View paste
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));
Mark M.
implement your own ACTION_VIEW activity, set yourself as the default, and see what happens when you try to give yourself control
use a separate app in a separate process, so that you can more faithfully replicate the browser app in the browser's process
if you seem to get started up normally, consistently, it may be a problem with the particular browser
Jeff S.
actually, that was our workaround, to view the URL in our app's webview. that works fine
Mark M.
what browser is giving you trouble, and what other browsers have you tried?
Jeff S.
chrome and the stock android browser
and dolphin
Mark M.
and they all give you the same results?
Jeff S.
exactly. strange.
Mark M.
yeah, no clue, sorry
Harish: your turn -- do you have a question?
4:10 PM
Harish k.
I am passing the surfaceTexture of a Textureview to Mediplayer to play a video, now I want to set a portion of the TextureView with its contents to fully transparent. How can I do this. I tried using Canvas to set the transparency of the surface texture, but it looks like TextureView allows only one producer, either mediplayer OR canvas at a time
Mark M.
that is *very* outside my areas of expertise
Harish k.
Mark M.
did you happen to ask a question on SO about this recently, where you were looking to play a video on top of a video?
(SO = StackOverflow)
Harish k.
no i did not ask, but would be happy to check it
let me search
Mark M.
Jeff: do you have another question?
4:15 PM
Jeff S.
that is all for today. Thanks anyway, Mark!!
Mark M.
sorry that I could not be of greater help this time
Harish: do you have another question?
Harish k.
found the question
Mark M.
yeah, that was the one that I was thinking of
4:20 PM
Mark M.
if either of you have another question, chime in
Harish k.
From my limited knowledge it looks like if I can find a way to use openGL to play my video and pass my openGL textures after applying transperency, to the TextureView's surfaceTexture, I think I will be able to achieve what I want
I shall try that
Mark M.
I wish you luck
4:55 PM
Harish k.
Is there any android book out there that deals with specializes in android video playback, TextureView etc?
that you can recommend
Mark M.
well, in general, I do not read other Android books
TextureView, being comparatively new, may not be covered as much
I definitely recall a book from a couple of years ago focused on Android media -- Apress published it, I think
however, that is from late 2010, and so TextureView is unlikely to be covered significantly
5:00 PM
Mark M.
that is a wrap for today's office hours chat
the transcript will be posted to shortly
the next chat is Thursday at 7:30pm Eastern
have a pleasant day!
Jeff S.
has left the room
Harish k.
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Thursday, September 26


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Harish kish
  • Jeff Stone
  • Mark Murphy