Office Hours — Today, June 25

Thursday, June 20

Jun 25
7:25 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
7:30 PM
Brett G.
has entered the room
Mark M.
hello, Brett!
Brett G.
Hi Mark
Mark M.
how can I help you today?
Brett G.
Back at Google I/O I thought I heard a rumor that the ActionBar may be included with the v4 support library in a future update. Was that my imagination?
Mark M.
IIRC, what they said at I|O was that the I|O app used the oft-rumored Google backport of the action bar
and that once the I|O app was released as open source, we'd have access to that action bar
I don't remember if they specifically said it'd be in the Android Support package
though it certainly could
7:35 PM
Brett G.
Cool, I've started using Android Studio, which I absolutely love, but I was having trouble getting ABSherlock running, so I just stripped it out and went back to the standard support library fragments.
Which leads to my other question...
What would be the proper way to include a library, such as your CWAC library, into Android Studio. Is there a good reference on this that you know of?
Mark M.
I haven't touched Android Studio yet, nor do I plan to any time soon
though I will be getting into IntellJ IDEA soonish in preparation for Studio
Brett G.
Mark M.
that being said, most of my CWAC projects are JARs
the issue there then is less Android Studio and more of the Gradle-based build system, I'd imagine
that I may start working with in the fall
and I'll be publishing appropriate instructions and whatnot for the CWAC libraries then
Brett G.
I'll definitely be looking forward to take on things, since it's hard to find any authoritative instruction on anything but the basics at this point.
Mark M.
yeah, I know what you mean
there's supposed to be a recipe for the new build system and JARs, though the clear emphasis is on having a Maven repository, whether the artifacts are in Maven Central or something else
7:40 PM
Brett G.
It's worth the headaches for me though, b/c of the increased speed of launching the app (device and emulator) and excellent code completion and templates
Mark M.
if the docs there are accurate, you'd still put the JAR in libs/, but then add a compile file() directive to the dependencies stanza
Brett G.
Sweet, that looks like just what I need! I had just copy/pasted in some of your source files for the time being to get things up and running. Just including the jar will be nice.
Mark M.
anything else I can help you with?
7:45 PM
Brett G.
That'll do it sir. Thanks so much for your help!
Mark M.
happy to be useful!
8:00 PM
Brett G.
has left the room
8:25 PM
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Thursday, June 20


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Brett Golson
  • Mark Murphy