Office Hours — Today, January 10

Tuesday, January 8

Jan 10
3:55 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
has entered the room
Mark M.
howdy, Marcin!
how can I help you today?
Hi Mark
I have a no UI Activity with Loader.
Mark M.
by "no UI Activity", do you mean Theme.NoDisplay?
has entered the room
Mark M.
(BTW, hi, Aaron -- I will be with you shortly!)
To be more precise I have actionbar with two tabs
4:00 PM
Hello. Sounds good
and my activity basically just setups fragments with listviews for both
then Loader runs after a button is pressed in actionbar and when it is finished it refreshes fragment with a listview in Tab A.
when loader is finished, Activity has a listener to it which finds listview fragment
and forces its list to reload.. it happens like this
View paste
Fragment mlf = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById( android. R. id. content);
            if (mlf != null) {                 
                 mlf.getLoaderManager().getLoader( 0).forceLoad();
Mark M.
that doesn't force the list to reload -- it forces the Loader to reload
it all works fine
has entered the room
the problem appears when i rotate the device
mlf can not be found
Mark M.
(BTW, howdy, EGHDK -- be with you in a few minutes)
i can see that the initial loader (started from actionbar button) works properly
Mark M.
are you sure that you are not removing that fragment somewhere?
in my onCreate Activity
i have
if(savedInstance == null){..}
and then
View paste
	ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
		Tab tab = actionBar.newTab().setText(R.string.tab_merchants)
				.setTabListener(new TabListener<MerchantsListFragment>(this, "merchant", MerchantsListFragment.class));

		tab = actionBar.newTab().setText(R.string.tab_deals)
				.setTabListener(new TabListener<DealsListFragment>(this, "deal", DealsListFragment.class));
4:05 PM
so that this piece of code always fires (also on orientation change)
my on tab selected is typical
View paste (2 more lines)
public void onTabSelected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
			Log.d(TAG, "onTabSelected");

			mFragment = mActivity.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(mTag);

			if (mFragment == null) {
				Log.d(TAG, "mFragment is null");
				// If not, instantiate and add it to the activity
				mFragment = Fragment.instantiate(mActivity, mClass.getName());
				ft.add(, mFragment, mTag);
			} else {
				Log.d(TAG, "mFragment is not null");
				// If it exists, simply attach it in order to show it
Mark M.
first, if getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById( android. R. id. content); is returning null, then either you never selected a tab, or somewhere you are removing/detaching the fragment from the tab
second, the code you are executing there does not need the fragment anyway, since fragments use the activity's LoaderManager
just get rid of the mlf. and do getLoaderManager().getLoader(0).forceLoad();, if you are sure that is the code that should be executed in this condition
let me take questions from the others, and I will be back with you in a bit
Aaron: do you have a question?
thanks for suggestions Mark, will run some quick tests
4:10 PM
Mark M.
OK, Aaron, if you return, chime in
EGHDK: do you have a question?
Hmm... I will go ahead and ask mine.
I have compiled a nice little list of "small" questions.
go for it.. Ill jump in next. I only really have 1 question right now.
Mark M.
EGHDK: go ahead with the first one
My first "problem" is that I finish my main_activity (my only activity). But when I press the "recent apps" button/multitasking button, I see the picture of that activity
Mark M.
of course
And if I click that little icon, it still comes up to that screen.
Mark M.
yup, that's perfectly normal
Hey Mark. I have been working with maps v2. I have been working out all my problems before i put together a full project. In one of my test programs i wanted to test the use of supportmapfragments. I created a project that added 2 fragments to a container and hides one of them. I put 2 different markers on each map to make sure i knew which one was showing.
woops sry didnt mean to press enter.
4:15 PM
So I can write `this.finish();` and the application will close, but I can still open it up. So does it ever actually finish()?
Mark M.
it finished when you called finish()
and then another copy was created when the user tapped the entry in the recents list
and that one will finish when the user presses BACK or you call finish()
and if the user taps the entry in recents again, yet another copy will be created
ad nauseum
Any way to "stop" that?
Mark M.
stop what?
if the user launches your app, they would like it to launch
But it launches to something that shouldn't be there.
Mark M.
that statement makes no sense
Okay, let me rephrase this whole thing.
What I really want it to do, it when they click the app, I don't want it to start at that specific spot of the application.
4:20 PM
I would like for them to get redirected to the home screen of the application.
Mark M.
first, why?
Even though that doesn't make sense for 99% of apps, it seems practical in my application.
can i save the quote?
that quote.
Mark M.
EGHDK: you can try playing around with stuff like android:finishOnTaskLaunch or something to change this behavior, but I do not have a solid recipe for it
let me take questions from the others, and I'll be back with you shortly
ok :) yay
Mark M.
Aaron: OK, I've read what you posted above... please continue
View paste
I hooked up a button to show the second fragment and hide the first.

Problem: When i click the button to show the second mapfragment it will not show up but i lose control the the first fragment(cant move map, cant zoom). I am not sure what is going on here or if i am just missing something stupid again. I feel like the fragment is switching but the view is not refreshing.
Mark M.
um, I haven't the foggiest notion what might be going on
if you can create a sample project that reproduces the error, I can try looking at it
IIRC, you posted a StackOverflow question on this -- right?
I have been able to use replace.
4:25 PM
but that defeats the purpose of loading in the mapfragments
Mark M.
what do you mean "that defeats the purpose..."?
David O.
has entered the room
Hey Mark, regarding "android:clearTaskOnLaunch" would that be set on the mainActivity or on the Activity that I do not want anyone to get to once it finishes().
David O.
Mark M.
for example, if you use ViewPager, it will do add() and remove()
(David: hi! I will be with you shortly)
David O.
Thank you
ya i was working with your book example and saw the viewpager .
Mark M.
(EGHDK: from the docs, I'd say your home activity would have this flag)
I was thinking of using it for the map views but i dont need the swiping.
Mark M.
my point is that add()/remove()/replace() should not intrinsically be a problem
since that's the stuff that FragmentPagerAdapter and such use
so I am trying to understand why this "defeats the purpose"
OK. I will just revert to replace. Crazy issue though. I am glad that it is not some trivial stupid thing that i am missing.
since it works.
Thankyou good sir.
Just chiming in here. I hate fragments, I had the biggest issues with remove(). It never seemed to work. Then I just started using hide() and everything was peachy.
Mark M.
they may be using SurfaceView, which has... odd effects when there are multiple of them floating around
David: your turn! do you have a question?
David O.
I have a few questions actually, but they are short
Mark M.
shoot me your first one
David O.
first question: is there a broadcast reciever to listen for changes in network states?
4:30 PM
David O.
e.g. going from an unconnected state to a connected one?
EGHDK I actually tried using hide() it doesnt work with map fragments.
Mark M.
David: see ConnectivityManager
David O.
Mark M.
since that was really quick, fire me your next one
David O.
is the latest version of actionbar sherlock compatible with the latest support library?
Mark M.
AFAIK, yes
David O.
i saw on stack overflow that you have something on github
using both
Mark M.
leastways, I am running with that combination and haven't run into a problem
David O.
It was in response to a question about embedding fragments
Mark M.
pretty much all the samples that use ActionBarSherlock are using the latest Android Support package JAR
again, I haven't run into any issues
David O.
so i shouldn't have to add the v17 support library seperately?
ok thank you
Mark M.
v4 or v13 i though
Mark M.
there is no v17
there is v4 and v13 as JARs
David O.
i mean v4
Mark M.
plus a v7 that's actually an Android library project (for GridLayout)
David O.
i want to be able to use getChildFragment manager
Mark M.
any project using ActionBarSherlock needs an Android Support package v4 JAR
you are welcome to use the latest if you wish
David O.
thank you
Oh that reminds me. My second question to Mark. On SO a very long time ago. Probably around 8+ months, I was completely new to android, and I said that it was stupid that they do not automatically include the support library. You stated that (If I remember correctly) that not everyone needed to support all the older versions, so they do not include it automatically. Have they changed that? I'm pretty sure every app I start, has the compat jar.
Mark M.
Marcin: do you have another question
its actually continuing on the first one
Mark M.
(EGHDK: that's a matter of the particular activity wizard you chose)
to add to your comments
4:35 PM
Every time i use ABS i have to include the latest ABS and remove support lib v4 from my libs folder.
to your first comment : onTabSelected fires before "code looking for mlf"
to your second comment : from my test it seems that fragment loaders are different than activity loaders
Mark M.
it's possible that a config change fires onTabUnselected(), though
it does not appear in lofs
Mark M.
since you are using add() in onTabSelected(), I presume you are doing remove() in onTabUnselected()
View paste
public void onTabUnselected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
			Log.d(TAG, "onTabUnselected");
			if (mFragment != null) {
				// Detach the fragment, because another one is being attached
Have a good day everyone. Good Lunk in your projects. And Thankyou Mark.
Mark M.
Marcin: I cannot explain the behavior that you are seeing and have no good way really of assisting you
has left the room
ok, can I have another question then?
Mark M.
How would you implement 3tabs with actionbar navigation? each tab having a separate backstack of fragments
Mark M.
personally, I am not a fan of tabs having distinct back stacks
4:40 PM
Mark M.
that being said, you'd have to manage all of that yourself
as Android only manages a back stack on an activity basis, not a per-tab basis
what is the proper ux then here? any apps that you could point to in market as examples?
Mark M.
for an activity with tabs, BACK exits the activity
as is done by probably 99% of apps on the market that use tabs in any form
the only *exception* is in the case of a browser with visible tabs, where BACK is overridden to have meaning within the app
and they aren't using a fragment back stack for that, unless I miss my guess
ok.. will have to think about it harder
Mark M.
EGHDK: do you have another question?
regarding your second comment on my first question
View paste
public LoaderManager getLoaderManager ()

Added in API level 11
Return the LoaderManager for this fragment, creating it if needed.
from docs
Mark M.
(Marcin: and if you look at the source code, it gets that from the activity)
maybe :) but mlf.getLoadermanager.getL and simple getLoaderManager.getL run different loaders
first from fragment, second from activity
Mark M.
David: do you have another question?
4:45 PM
David O.
yes...another general question
is it safe to use two annotation libraries?
Mark M.
um, I have no idea
I would assume so
David O.
I would like to use ORMLite and GSON annotation library
Mark M.
after all, Android has its annotations, and third party JARs might add their own, and I haven't heard about Android's annotations breaking all those others
if they have name collisions there could be issues
David O.
thank you
Mark M.
EGHDK: do you have another question?
In reference to the support library again.
When I'm writing some application, how do I know if the support library should be used or not?
I had an example but forgot. heh.
Mark M.
if you are trying to use an class, directly or indirectly (e.g., via ActionBarSherlock), you need the v4 JAR
if you are trying to use an class, you need the v13 JAR
Oh. Like notificationcompat.
Mark M.
I remember doing a whole bunch of notification stuff, and then found out about notificationCompat
Mark M.
in fact, most if not all of the ...Compat classes are in the the package
Marcin: do you have another question?
But, I'm just saying, how was I supposed to know about notificationCompat
Reading the documentation I guess?
Mark M.
or books written by balding guys :-)
4:50 PM
David O.
I was just hoping android would be like (Hey! Maybe you wanna use the support compat instead!)
But there's nothing like that, that exists huh?
question ab tabs
Mark M.
occasionally they have notes like that, but usually only for stuff they officially deprecated
Marcin: go ahead
if i have two tabs A,B... both have two listviews
my normal thinking would be that when i click an item
So what would you say are the top three compat imports that people end up using?
switch etc etc it behaves like browser
so without ability of each tab having a backstack
is the proper behaviour that clicking any tab, clears all fragments and presents the listview?
Mark M.
that's impossible to answer in the abstract
simple list
click item, shows merchant, click item shows detail
same for other tab but deals
Mark M.
on a phone-sized screen, launch another activity
4:55 PM
for merchant view?
Mark M.
on a tablet-sized screen, reconsider having the tabs in the first place, going with the master-detail pattern instead
for whatever the list item click needs to show
any links to this master-detail pattern?
or snippets maybe
Mark M.
it's all over the docs, and in the book (in the large-screens chapter and the last tutorial)
gr8, thanks for hint
Yeah, master-detail pattern sounds scary, but is really easy. I'm terrible at all this stuff, and I'm able to do it.
Mark M.
EGHDK: I have no idea what "the top three compat imports" are, sorry
Aaron: do you have another question?
Mark Murphy. Any opinion?
notifCompat. ActionBarCompat.
theres a fragmentCompat too right?
Mark M.
not by name, but the Android Support package has a backport of fragments
Aaron: do you have another (quick) question?
whoops, I meant David
David: do you have another (quick) question?
David O.
no problem
5:00 PM
David O.
i had something...and i forgot it
Mark M.
See ya mark. I'll be back to bother you on Tuesday.
David O.
well...i guess it will have to wait till tuesday
Mark M.
that's a wrap for today's chat
thanks Mark, bye
Mark M.
the transcript will be archived at shortly
David O.
thanks, goodbye
Mark M.
next chat is Tuesday, 7:30pm Eastern
have a pleasant day, all!
has left the room
has left the room
David O.
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Tuesday, January 8


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Aaron
  • David Ozersky
  • Marcin
  • Mark Murphy