Office Hours — Today, September 9

Tuesday, September 7

Sep 9
8:50 AM
Mark M.
has entered the room
8:55 AM
Mark M.
turned on guest access
9:15 AM
Mike R.
has entered the room
Mike R.
Mark M.
howdy, Mike!
how can I help you this morning?
Mike R.
We've received 2 emails from people claiming to have app stores, but I've never heard of them. Is this a common scam or people actually trying to start up stores?
Mark M.
oh, there's a zillion of 'em
whether they're worth your time is a whole 'nuther matter
Mike R.
how can you tell?
Mark M.
if they are preinstalled on devices (AndAppStore, Motorola's SHOP4APPS), they might be worth considering, for global-focus apps
not sure if you have many subscribers outside of the US
for the US, it's pretty much just the Android Market
Mike R.
we have some, but our most important subscribers are US. That's what the pharma companies are interested in.
Mark M.
that's what I figured
Mike R.
OTH, is there a way to target stores that are preinstalled on devices?
Mark M.
in that case, unless you start getting inquiries from potential customers that they can't get your app, I wouldn't worry about it
Frank S.
has entered the room
Mike R.
ok thanks
Mark M.
howdy, Frank!
Frank S.
good morning Mark
9:20 AM
Mark M.
Mike: I know of a few alternative stores that get pre-installed -- AndAppStore, Motorola SHOP4APPS, Archos' own AppsLib
there are probably others (carrier-specific stores, etc.)
however, I don't have a definitive list
Mike R.
thanks mark
Mark M.
and they're mostly seen outside of the US
Frank: do you have a question?
Frank S.
I am trying to find out if it is possible to bundle several applications together
Mark M.
use duct tape
Frank S.
I have several apps that work together
Mark M.
Frank S.
lol, but I only want the user to have to download one thing
Mark M.
unfortunately, there's no easy way for that
you can give them menu choices and stuff to direct them to your Market pages for the other apps
Frank S.
so I am forced to have them download one at a time
Mark M.
but the unit of installation is the APK
I have suggested, on a few occasions, that Android needs a separate container for installs, that might support multiple APKs
I have also suggested dependency chains, akin to Linux package managers
I still have the bruises from those suggestions :-)
Frank S.
hummm. That's too bad. Well thanks for the help. I will just have to do your trick with redirecting them to the Market
Oh. I think they are very good ideas
Mark M.
yeah, but we don't have to implement them
Frank S.
especially because that's exactly what I'm trying to do!
9:25 AM
Mark M.
anybody have any other questions?
Frank S.
ummm not today. Still trying to figure out about the ActivityGroup
Mark M.
I'd ordinarily say "good luck with that", but ActivityGroup and kin make me break out in a rash
Frank S.
oh. I guess this goes along the line with that
if I make an app widget, will I be able to include that inside of an activity?
Mark M.
not easily
there should be a way to apply a RemoteViews to yourself, but I haven't gone looking for it
Frank S.
Grr. I was really trying to avoid recreating the exact same HUD in two places, notice that this is also for the app that I have the ActivityGroup question with, lol
9:30 AM
Mark M.
actually, it might not be too bad
RemoteViews has a simple apply() method
you give it your activity, plus the ViewGroup that will be the container
it returns the View representing the root of the hierarchy, akin to inflate()
you'll still need to call addView() on the ViewGroup to attach it
the somewhat icky part will be click handling -- you'd still wind up with PendingIntents in that case
Frank S.
yes. I am reading the methods you are talking about
Mark M.
if that's not desirable, you might need to go back in and patch that up with regular OnClickListeners
Frank S.
so that would prevent me from having the widget be interactive, it'll only fire my pendingIntent
Mark M.
without additional fix-up work, yes
Frank S.
actually, for my purposes that wouldn't be too bad. The widget will just be displaying data. And I can have the PendingIntent just fire the preference screen to adjust the settings for that widget
9:35 AM
Frank S.
well Mark, thanks again. If I make any progress on that ActivityGroup I will be sure to write up a blog to post on my mobile development page.
Mark M.
Frank S.
has left the room
9:55 AM
Mark M.
any other questions?
Mike R.
has left the room
Mark M.
I'm going to take that as a "no"...
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Tuesday, September 7


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Frank Sposaro
  • Mark Murphy
  • Mike Renda