Office Hours — Today, December 1

Friday, November 27

Dec 1
1:50 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
Dec 1
2:00 PM
Srinivas R.
has entered the room
Mark M.
Hello, Srinivas!
Srinivas R.
Good After noon Mark Murphy.
Mark M.
Well, I'm in Sweden right now, so it's "good evening" from here.
Mark M.
Dec 1
2:05 PM
Srinivas R.
OK, Good morning.
Mark M.
How can I help you?
Srinivas R.
I don't have any specific questions right now, just connected to keep the spirit for android development
Mark M.
Srinivas R.
thanks, for your efforts. Good bye for now.
has entered the room
Mark M.
Hello, Varma!
Mark M.
Srinivas Reddy C: thanks for stopping by!
Srinivas R.
has left the room
Hello Mark
Mark M.
varma: how can I help you?
Is book examples are tested on devices?
Mark M.
Generally, yes
Mark M.
Some things are not working fully on Android 2.0, mostly related to the changed contacts APIs
Mark M.
I am working on that now
Dec 1
2:10 PM
Mark M.
Are you running into specific problems?
For crating Dialogs in Activity, android guide suggests to create dialogs using onCreateDialog(int) and showDialog(int) methods, but in book , it does not look like
what is the best way to create Dialogs
Mark M.
No, the book does not show the use of managed dialogs using onCreateDialog() and showDialog()
Mark M.
Those work well, and I have used them on a couple of projects
Mark M.
I just have not had a chance to add material on that topic to the books
Ryan G.
has entered the room
Mark M.
Hello, Ryan!
Those are also works fine for me,but while I am trying to use the application in G1 mobile it shows me inflate exception
Ryan G.
hey mark
Dec 1
2:15 PM
Mark M.
varma: an InflateException for a dialog?
In emulator dialogs work fine but not G1 device
It may be!
Mark M.
Well, the InflateException stack trace should point out what it does not like in the layout you are inflating
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: how can I help you?
Ryan G.
mark I'm doing a appwidget that shows an image, and am curious about what exactly happens when the orientation changes, i know that the activity is destroyed and remade but for an appwidget the only thing going is a remoteview
Ryan G.
which doesn't have an activity or anything
we should setOwnerActivity() for dialogs which we use create outside the onCreateDialog(), but in book , it doesn't look like
Ryan G.
so if i point the remoteview at a bitmap will it survive the orientation change or will the bitmap get lost?
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: You might get a fresh update request, but that should be about it
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: the bitmap should be sent over to the home activity as part of the RemoteViews, so I would expect it to stay around
Mark M.
varma: setOwnerActivity()?
Ryan G.
Mark M.
varma: again, the books do not cover managed dialogs
Dec 1
2:20 PM
Mark M.
varma: if you are using AlertDialog for a one-time display of a dialog, you do not need setOwnerActivity()
Ryan G.
mark, do you know if there are a lot of changes that other phones have such as the HTC Hero to android, my application works on my droid but when someone installs it on a hero or cliq they get errors at specific spot and i am trying to figure out how i can debug this
Ryan G.
can i get a logcat file from an actual phone?
How to read the images from sdcard root directroy as streams
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: the Hero does have its issues
Ryan G.
do you have any reccomendations for debugging to someone who can't readily go out and buy every phone on the market?
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: here's a post I did on diagnosing sporadic errors:…
Mark M.
varma: just use standard Java I/O, nothing special needed
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: definitely use Flurry, or DroidDrop, or any of the other stack trace collection mechanisms. There was a recent thread about this on [android-developers], I think.
View paste
	    File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+filename.jpg);          
Ryan G.
what about the logcat file? I thought i read somewhere that its possible to get it from a real phone? or maybe i am mistaken...
Dec 1
2:25 PM
Mark M.
View paste
Well, I would use File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath(), "filename.jpg");          
Ryan G.
uhoh mark my view got messed up after you pasted that code
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: I have heard that too, but I haven't seen it in action, and what I heard about it (relying on internal shell commands) made me nervous
Ryan G.
Mark M.
Ryan G.
hmm its cutting stuff off at the end of posts
Ryan G.
oh well
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: what browser are you using?
Ryan G.
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: got anything else handy, like Firefox or Chrome?
Ryan G.
yeah i can move quick
Ryan G.
i am pretty confused about the autoscaling for screen resolutions for android.
Ryan G.
for example if i set a file in an imageview using setimageuri does this get scaled if i am on say a droid
Dec 1
2:30 PM
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: now *that's* a very good question
Mark M.
I have only heard about autoscaling in the context of resources
Ryan G.
in my program i am setting an imageview in a remote view and it seems to get scaled 1.5 x 1.5
Ryan G.
i have to make it 1.5 x 1.5 x the original size to make it the size i want
Mark M.
Well, I know that app widget dimensions scale with the device
Ryan G.
what do you mean?
Mark M.
Rather than add more "slots", they increase the size of each slot
Mark M.
In your widget metadata, you ask for a size in pixels
Mark M.
You don't really get that
Mark M.
Rather, it gets rounded
Ryan G.
i noticed that it won't let me request more than like 300 in the meta data?
Ryan G.
even tho on the Droid there is a lot more?
Mark M.
Mark M.
It's a screwy system
Ryan G.
Mark M.
292dip x 72dip will give you a four-slot by one-slot widget
Ryan G.
in 160dpi portrait
Mark M.
That will span the width of the screen in portrait mode on HVGA
Ryan G.
but then in landscape shouldn't that be different?
Mark M.
No, because the slot dimensions change
Mark M.
Slots change size, and you really get assigned a number of slots, not the # of pixels you asked for
Dec 1
2:35 PM
Mark M.
On non-HVGA, slots also get scaled based on the new screen size
Ryan G.
ok that makes sense, is there a reason they didn't just make the metadata request slots instead of size?
Mark M.
Beats the *bleep* out of me
Ryan G.
can you explain that last point about the new screen size?
Mark M.
According to Ms. Hackborn, slots should increase their size based on screen size
Mark M.
So, if you asked for 292dip x 72dip and got 4x1 slots...
Mark M.
...those 4x1 slots would measure 438px x 108px on a DROID
Mark M.
if I did that math correctly
Mark M.
Now, I haven't spent a ton of time playing with app widgets on the DROID yet -- it's on my to-do list
Ryan G.
the whole screen resolution thing seems very convoluted where not a heck of a lot of good documentation on
Dec 1
2:40 PM
Mark M.
Yeah, the docs are OK for core things but definitely fall off when you get to stuff like app widgets
Mark M.
that's why I'm out here with a machete, hacking through the jungle, trying to figure out what's going on
Ryan G.
haha i appreciate it
Mark M.
Unfortunately, it's a rather large jungle.
Ryan G.
i heard of a bug where the onupdate method gets sent a stream up appwidgetids on initiation of the widget
Mark M.
"stream up appwidgetids"?
Dec 1
2:45 PM
Ryan G.
*of* - i log the appwidgetid and i get a ton of them when i have an AVD running for a while
View paste
	    File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath(),filename.jpg);          
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: You should get one at the outset and one based on your updatePeriodMillis. Are you saying you get more than that?
This code works fine in emulator to get images from sdcard, but it fails in G1 mobile
Mark M.
varma: Fails how?
it shows FileNotFoundException
Ryan G.
ok n/m i have to get going, thanks for the help
Ryan G.
do you know when your next session is?
I am using G1 mobile
Mark M.
varma: the File constructor does not throw FileNotFoundException.
Mark M.
Ryan Grandy: Probably next Tuesday, same time.
Ryan G.
ok great thanks
Ryan G.
has left the room
But I declared it
Dec 1
2:50 PM
Mark M.
My point is: you are not getting a FileNotFoundException from the line you pasted. You may be getting one from some other line, and I need to know what that line does so I can help you further.
View paste
	    File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),file);          
without getPath() also it fails
Mark M.
I will say this a third time: you are not getting a FileNotFoundException from these line you have pasted. The File constructor does not throw a FileNotFoundException.
Ok, I am getting image DISPLAY_NAME from sdcard, and passing it to that file as it is to the above code
My aim is to get the image from sdcard as input stream
Mark M.
First, make sure the file really is there.
Mark M.
Second, make sure the SD card is not mounted on an attached PC via the USB cable -- the PC and phone cannot both access the SD card at the same time
Yes it is.
Dec 1
2:55 PM
Let me check
Yes, I did not
Mark M.
Then I do not know what may be going wrong. You can definitely open input streams on files on the SD card, or do any other ordinary Java I/O upon them.
Dec 1
3:00 PM
Another point is I am using progress bar while opening this stream
Mark M.
That should not cause a FileNotFoundException, though
It is working great in emulator without any problem, but in G1 it creates problems
Mark M.
I'm sorry, but I do not know how to help you further on this question, and I need to close the chat room.
Mark M.
Have a pleasant week!
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Friday, November 27


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Mark Murphy
  • Ryan Grandy
  • Srinivas Reddy C
  • varma