Warescription Site Revamp

The Warescription site front end has been rewritten, using Enyo instead of GWT. Along the way, I made a couple of improvements to the page where you download the book editions:

  • Each edition shows a QR code, to make it a bit easier to get that book edition onto a mobile device

  • The release notes for the current edition are embedded in the page

Also, the behavior of the office hours chats is a bit different. When you click on the office hours area, if the chat is live, the chat will be embedded within the Warescription site. Also, if you arrive to the chat a bit early, and so you still see the calendar, it will automatically switch to the Campfire chat shortly after the chat room opens. Hence, you no longer need to click “Refresh” or “Enter the Chat” buttons.

This site works well with Firefox or Chrome, including on Android tablets. Safari on OS X seems OK as well. Internet Explorer may have some issues, particularly tied to the embedded Google Calendar. The site will not work especially well with smaller screens (e.g,. phones). I will be working on those compatibility issues in the coming weeks.

If you encounter problems with the new site, let me know, so that I can try to fix it.