Apress and CommonsWare FAQ
We apologize in advance for the author's odd sense of humor.
Hey! That Murphy guy is listed the author of some editions of Apress' Beginning Android!
Pssst...this is a FAQ.
Fine. That Murphy guy is listed the author of some editions of Apress' Beginning Android! WTF?
Apress licensed The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development and is publishing it as their own title.
Um, OK. Why are newer editions of Beginning Android showing some other author?
CommonsWare is no longer working with Apress on Beginning Android. You can think of it as if Apress has forked the book.
So, newer editions of Beginning Android has CommonsWare stuff in it?
And you are not listed as the author?
Correct. CommonsWare has never seen newer editions of Beginning Android; all that is known is that CommonsWare is not listed on the cover.
Are you going to sue?
No, because CommonsWare asked to be removed from the cover and metadata, including as some sort of co-author.
What does this mean for the CommonsWare edition?
The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development will not be available, in its entirety, in print form. It will be available in digital form via the Warescription.
What about the Four-To-Free Guarantee?
It still holds, but for CommonsWare's editions, not Apress'.